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Meta Class Vs. Class in Java

In any object-oriented programming language, a meta class can be defined as a class which is utilized in defining the behaviour of various other classes. In Java, a class can be defined as a constructor of an object which is utilized for the creation of objects. In simple words, a class can be considered as a blueprint in Java.

Let's understand about Meta class and Classes in Java in detail.

Meta Class

In various object-oriented programming language, a Meta class can be simply defined as a type of class which is majorly utilized for the purpose of defining the functionality and behaviour of various other classes. A regular class in programming language is mainly utilized for defining the blueprint that gets used for creation of objects. But however, a Meta class is utilized for the purpose of defining how the classes are created themselves.

In programming languages such as Python, the default type of Meta class is considered as the "type" Meta class. Similarly, in Python custom meta classes could be created by developers for exerting control over the process of class creation.

It is very important to understand that although Meta classes give robust customization features and functionalities, they are termed and considered as advanced and powerful features and they should be used and implemented accordingly. Excessive usage of Meta classes often leads to creation of code that becomes very difficult and complex for understanding and maintenance.

In short words, Meta class plays an important role in object-oriented programming languages for the purpose of controlling the creation and control of classes. Developers are allowed the features and functionalities for implementing custom logics that get implemented during the creation process of a class. However, Meta classes must be implemented and utilized with utmost care and precaution.

Let us understand about classes in Java in detail in the following paragraphs.

Classes in Java

In Java programming language, a class can be defined as a necessary building block that is related to object-oriented programming (OOP) principles. In other words, a class can be considered as a blueprint or a temple that is mainly utilized for defining the attributes, fields, class members or variables, methods, etc. The class can be declared in a Java program with the help of a syntax that is carried out by the class keyword which is followed by the name of the class.

Let's understand about classes in Java in detail with the help of a Java example program.



Drawing a circle with color Red
Drawing a rectangle with color Blue
Area of Red Circle: 78.53981633974483
Area of Blue Rectangle: 24.0
Color of Red Circle: Red
Length of Blue Rectangle: 4.0
Updated Color of Red Circle: Crimson
Updated Length of Blue Rectangle: 5.0

Differences Between Meta class and Class in Java

  • The features and functionalities of Meta class are found in object-oriented programming languages. But it is important to note that the features of Meta class are not supported and provided in the Java programming language, but instead they are supported and provided in the Python programming language.
  • In Java programming language, a class can be defined as a necessary building block that is related to object-oriented programming (OOP) principles. In other words, a class can be considered as a blueprint or a temple that is mainly utilized for defining the attributes, fields, class members or variables, methods, etc. On the other hand, a Meta class can be simply defined as a type of class which is majorly utilized for the purpose of defining the functionality and behaviour of various other classes.
  • Metaclass is majorly utilized for defining the controlling the behaviours of other classes. But unfortunately, there is no equivalent of metaclass found in Java programming language. However, reflection is a feature that is supported and provided in Java that lets developers inspect and manipulate the classes, methods, fields and other members of Java.
  • In conclusion, classes in Java can be considered as building or fundamental blocks that are utilized for the creation of objects and they act as a blueprint. Whereas, the concepts of metaclass are not supported and provided in Java, several features such as reflection are utilized for dynamically inspecting and manipulating classes during the runtime execution.

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