SQLite ExpressionsSQLite Expressions are the combination of one or more values, operators and SQL functions. These expressions are used to evaluate a value. SQLite expressions are written in query language and used with SELECT statement. Syntax: There are mainly three types of SQLite expressions: 1) SQLite Boolean ExpressionSQLite Boolean expressions are used to fetch the data on the basis of matching single value. Syntax: Example: We have an existing table named "STUDENT", having the following data: See this simple example of SQLite Boolean expression. Output: 2) SQLite Numeric ExpressionsSQLite Numeric expression is used to perform any mathematical operations in the query. Syntax: Example1: SELECT (25 + 15) AS ADDITION; Output: Numeric expressions contain several built-in functions like avg(), sum(), count(), etc. These functions are known as aggregate data calculation functions. SELECT COUNT(*) AS "RECORDS" FROM STUDENT; Output: 3) SQlite Date ExpressionSQlite Date expressions are used to fetch the current system date and time values. Syntax: SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; Output: Next TopicSQLite Create Database |