Syllogism 3

11) Statements:

I) Some sheets are plants
II) All sheets are pages
III) No plant is tile
IV) All chips are tiles


I) Some plants are chips is a possibility
II) All sheets are chips is a possibility
III) No chip is a plant

  1. Only conclusion II follows
  2. Conclusions I and III follow
  3. Only conclusion III follows
  4. Only conclusion II and III follow
  5. None of these

Answer: C



From the given statements and the above diagram, it is clear that only the conclusion III follows.

12) Statements:

I) All parrots are birds
II) All birds are cats
III) Some cats are jugs
IV) Some jugs are plates


I) Some plates are cats
II) Some plates are birds
III) Some cats are parrots
IV) Some birds are parrots

  1. Only III and IV follow
  2. Only I and III follow
  3. Only I and II follow
  4. Only II and IV follow
  5. None of these

Answer: A



From the given statements and the above diagram, it is clear that conclusions III and IV follow.

13) Which of the two conclusions can be concluded on the basis of given statements?

I) All workers are men
II) No man is educated


I) All workers are uneducated
II) Some men are workers

  1. Only I follows
  2. Only II follows
  3. Both I and II follow
  4. None of the above



The possible diagrams are shown below for the given statements:


From the given statements and the above diagram, it is clear that both I and III follow.

14) Statements:

I) Some fruits are mangoes.
II) All mangoes are grapes.
III) No grapes are apples


I) All fruits are apples
II) No mango is an apple

  1. Only I follows
  2. Only II follows
  3. Either conclusion I or II follows
  4. Both conclusions I and II follow
  5. None of these

Answer: B



From the given statements and the above diagram, it is clear that only II follows.

15) Statements:

I) All pencils are ink.
II) No ink is an eraser.


I. No pencil is an eraser.
II. Some erasers are pencils.

  1. Only I follows
  2. Either I or II follows
  3. Only II follows
  4. Both I and II follow
  5. Neither I nor II follows

Answer: A



From the given statements and the above diagram, it is clear that only I follows.

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