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Coding Decoding 1

This type of reasoning problems tests your ability to decipher the rule that codes a word or message and to code the given word or message following the same rule.

1) If in a certain language, NOIDA is coded as OPJEB, how is DELHI coded in that language?

  1. CDKGH
  2. EFMIJ
  3. FGNJK
  4. IHLED

Answer: B


Each letter in the word NOIDA is moved one step forward to form the code OPJEB. So, in DELHI, D will be coded as E, E as F, L as M, H as I, I as J. Thus, the code becomes EFMIJ.

2) If HOT is coded as GNS, How is COLD coded?

  1. BNKC
  2. DPME
  3. EQNF
  4. FROG

Answer: A


Each letter in the word HOT is moved one step backward to form the code GNS. So, following the same rule, C will be coded as B, O as N, L as K, and D as C. Thus, the code becomes BNKC.

3) In a certain code, TREE is written as UQFD. How is LEAF written in that code?

  1. MFBG
  2. KDZE
  3. MDBE
  4. MBZE

Answer: C


The letters in the word TREE are moved alternately one step forward and one step backward to form the code UQFD. So, following the same rule, L will be coded as M, E will be coded as D, A will be coded as B, and F will be coded as E. Thus, the code for LEAF is MDBE.

4) In a certain code, PAPER is written as QPARE. How is TABLE written in that code?

  1. UBALE
  2. UBCMF
  3. UZAKD
  4. UBAEL

Answer: D


The first letter of the word PAPER is moved one step forward and the next two letters have exchanged their positions and so on. So, following the same coding, T will be coded as U, A will be coded as B, B will be coded as A, L will be coded as E and E will be coded as L. Thus, TABLE is written as UBAEL in that code.

5) In a certain code, ARMY is written as ASOB. How is JUDGE written in that code?

  1. KVEHF
  2. JVFJI
  3. ITCFD
  4. JWGKJ

Answer: B


The first letter in the word ARMY remains same and the second, third and fourth letters are moved one, two and three steps forward respectively. Following the same coding, J will be coded as J, U as V, D as F, G as J and E as I. So, the JUDGE is written as JVFJI in that code.

Coding Decoding 2
Coding Decoding 3
Coding Decoding 4

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