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Both the sites are part of WordPress. Only difference is about "who is hosting your website". is the site where you don't have to do anything. All the developing work will be handled itself. You don't have to purchase software, manage web server or pay for hosting.

There are some limitations with this site. For example, by default your domain name includes, you can't modify your site's coding, upload any themes or plugins. Your site will be free for the lifetime, but you have to pay to upgrade it for more specifications.

Upgrades also allow you to use a custom domain like you can use anything as the domain. Further upgradation also enhances appearance of your site, upload videos or photos and many more.

Your site will be secured and spam free as it will be under WordPress security. You only have to sign in and choose your blog name and focus on your content.

This site is preferred by everyone but mostly bloggers, photographers, artists, etc. is the site where you have to manage your own blog or website. You can find free WordPress software and install on your web server.

It gives full control and freedom over your site including the WordPress software. Most of the WordPress showcase sites are made on self hosting.

With full control it also places full responsibility of the site upon the user. From technical dealing to security issues each and everything has to be managed by the user itself. vs

Definition Fully hosted version Self hosted version
Cost Charges required for upgradation No charges for upgradation
Freedom and limitations Include more limitations Include less limitation
Maintenance No responsibility to maintain the site All responsibilities comes on user
Advantage Security and backups are provided You need to find a host to provide backup and security
Themes Choose a theme and use it with the help of custom design Need to install custom themes then use it with PHP and CSS
Plugins Plugin features are included Need to install plugin to add functionality
Registration Registration is required on No registration is required on

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