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WordPress vs. Weebly

In this article, we are going to discuss the difference between WordPress and Weebly. Let us first understood about WordPress and Weebly.

WordPress vs. Weebly

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS). It is written in PHP and connected with MySQL or MariaDB database. It was developed primarily as a blogging tool but has now evolved into a flexible CMS. It can be used to create a blog, website, and mobile applications. It is also used to create an online store using WordPress plugins.

WordPress is one of the most popular content management system (CMS) solutions in use. It is used by more than 60 million websites, including 34% of the top 10 million websites until 2019.

WordPress is developed by its founders, American developer Matt Mullenweg and English developer Mike Little, and it was initially released on 27 May 2003. The software licensed under the General Public License (GNU).

What is Weebly?

Weebly is an online website that provides the platforms to create websites and applications. Weebly is used to create a website and e-commerce application for small businesses. It was developed by David Rusenko, Dan Veltri, Chris Fannin in 2006. It is written in PHP and JavaScript.

It is also used by the students to create projects, websites, and other applications. It has many features for developing sites and applications such as drag and drop, blogging, multimedia features, hosting, and impactful designs.

Main Differences between WordPress and Weebly

Here, we are going to discuss the main differences between WordPress and Weebly:

  1. WordPress is SEO friendly due to the availability of plugins on a large quantity. Whereas Weebly is less SEO friendly than WordPress because it is referred to as a website creator.
  2. The content updating adding, deleting, and editing in WordPress is more complex than Weebly. Whereas it is very simple in Weebly, the content can be added and updated by just drag and drop.
  3. WordPress takes more time to develop and update the website. Whereas, Weebly can develop a website and application very quickly.
  4. WordPress offers a native application, and most of them have no issue. Whereas Weebly is not used to build native applications.
  5. Due to the uses of many plugins, WordPress could not provide good security. Whereas Weebly is a close system and only limited tools can work in it, so it doesn't have any issue.
  6. WordPress is costly when you purchase themes and website plugins. Weebly is less costly than WordPress.
  7. WordPress needs a deep learning curve, whereas Weebly takes less time to learn.

Head to Head comparison between WordPress and Weebly

Here, we are going to discuss head to head comparison between WordPress and Weebly in tabular form.

Features WordPress Weebly
Definition WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS). Weebly is an online website that provides the platforms to create websites and applications.
Architecture It depends on the front controller architecture. It does not depend on any architecture.
Programmed It is written in PHP and based on MySQL or MariaDB. It is written in PHP and JavaScript.
Extensive It is extensive. It's not extensive.
Complex It is complex than Weebly. It is very simple.
Applications It is used to good scaled applications or websites. It's an optimal choice for small business applications.
Customization Its plugins and themes help to customize better. It offers minimum features for customization.

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