Concept of Bits Per Pixel

BPP or Bits per Pixel is used to denote the number of bits per pixel and the number depends on the depth of color or BPP.


A bit also known as a binary digit is the smallest unit of data in a computer. A bit has 0 or 1.


Concept of Bits Per Pixel

Following are the number of different colors:

Bits per pixelNumber of colors
1 bpp2 colors
2 bpp4 colors
3 bpp8 colors
4 bpp16 colors
5 bpp32 colors
6 bpp64 colors
7 bpp128 colors
8 bpp256 colors
10 bpp1024 colors
16 bpp65536 colors
24 bpp16777216 colors (16.7 million colors)
32 bpp4294967296 colors (4294 million colors)


The human eye can distinguish hundreds of color shades and their intensities. There are 100 shades of grey; therefore, an image contains extra information of color and this information is used for image analysis.

For example: Identification of object and extraction based on color.

Concept of Bits Per Pixel

Image storage requirements

Image size

The size of an image depends on three things they are as following :

  • Number of rows
  • Number of columns
  • Number of bits per pixel

The formula for calculating the size of the image:

Concept of Bits Per Pixel


Concept of Bits Per Pixel

Let row be 3000 and columns be 1687, and it has 256 shades of bpp.
Size of an image = rows * cols * bpp
=3000 * 1687 * 8
=40488000 bits

As it is not a standard answer so we can convert it in the following ways:

Converting it into bytes = 8388608 / 8 = 5061000 bytes.
Converting into kilo bytes = 5061000 / 1024 = 4942kb.
Converting into Mega bytes = 4942 / 1024 = 4 Mb.

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