Neo4j CQL Write Clauses

1.CREATEThe CREATE clause is used to create nodes, relationships, and properties.
2.MERGEThe MERGE clause is used to verify whether the specified pattern exists in the graph. if not, it creates the pattern.
3.SETThe SET clause is used to update labels on nodes, properties on nodes and relationships.
4.DELETEThe DELETE clause is used to delete nodes and relationships or paths etc. from the graph.
5.REMOVEThe REMOVE clause is used to remove properties and elements from nodes and relationships.
6.FOREACHThe FOREACH class is used to update the data within a list.
7.CREATE UNIQUEIt is attained by using CREATE and MATCH. It provides a unique pattern by matching the existing pattern and creating the missing one.
8.Importing CSV files with CypherThe LOAD CSV clause is used to import data from .csv files.

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