Pandas Plot

It is used to make plots of DataFrame using matplotlib / pylab. Every plot kind has a corresponding method on the DataFrame.plot accessor: df.plot(kind='line') that are generally equivalent to the df.plot.line().



data: DataFrame

x: Refers to label or position, default value None

y: Refers to label, position or list of label, positions, default value None

It allows the plotting of one column versus another.

kind: str

  • 'line': line plot (default)
  • 'bar': vertical bar plot
  • 'barh': horizontal bar plot
  • 'hist': histogram
  • 'box': boxplot
  • 'kde': Kernel Density Estimation plot
  • 'density': same as 'kde'
  • 'area': area plot
  • 'pie': pie plot
  • 'scatter': scatter plot
  • 'hexbin': hexbin plot

ax: matplotlib axes object, default None

subplots: boolean, default False

Make separate subplots for each column

sharex: It returns the boolean value and default value True if the ax is None else returns False.

If the subplots =True, it shares the x-axis and set some x-axis labels to the invisible;

Its default value is True if ax is None; otherwise, if an ax is passed, it returns false. If you pass True on both an ax and shareax, it will alter all the x-axis labels.

sharey: It also returns a boolean value that default value False.

If the subplots= True, it shares the y-axis and set some y-axis to the labels to invisible.

layout: It is an optional parameter that refers to the tuple for the layout of subplots.

figsize: Refers to a tuple (width, height) in inches.

use_index: It returns the boolean value; default value True.

It uses the index as ticks for the x-axis.

title: Refers to a string or list that defines a title for the plot. If we pass a string, it will print string at the top of the figure. If we pass a list and subplots as True, it will print each item in the list in the corresponding subplot.

grid: Returns the boolean value, the default value is None. It defines the axis grid lines.

legend: Returns the False/True/'reverse' and place the legend on axis subplots.

style: Returns the list or dict. It defines the matplotlib line style per column.

logx: Returns the boolean value; the default value is False.

It generally uses a log scale on the x-axis.

logy: Returns the boolean value; the default value is False.

It generally uses log scaling on the y-axis.

loglog: Returns the boolean value; the default value is False.

It uses log scaling on both x and y axes

xticks: Refers to a sequence that consists of values to use for the xticks.

yticks: Refers to a sequence that consists of values to use for the yticks.

xlim: It consists 2-tuple/list.

ylim: It consists 2-tuple/list

rot: Refers to an integer value; the default value None

It generally Rotates for ticks (xticks for vertical, yticks for horizontal plots)

fontsize: Refers to an integer value; the default value is None.

Its main task is to specify the font size for xticks and yticks.

colormap: Refers to str or matplotlib colormap object, default value is None.

It provides colormap to select colors. If a value is a string, it loads colormap with that name from matplotlib.

colorbar: It is an optional parameter that returns a boolean value.

If the value is True, it plots the colorbar (only relevant for 'scatter' and 'hexbin' plots)

position: Refers to float value.

Its main task is to specify the relative alignments for the bar plot layout. Its value ranges from 0 (left/bottom-end) to 1 (right/top-end). The default value is 0.5 (center).

table: Returns the boolean value, Series or DataFrame, default value False

If the value is True, it draws a table using the data in the DataFrame.

If we pass a Series or DataFrame, it will pass data to draw a table.

yerr: Refers to the DataFrame, Series, array-like, dict, and str.

xerr: It is the same type as yerr.

stacked: Returns the boolean value; the default value is False in line and

bar plots, and True in area plot. If the value is True, it creates a stacked plot.

sort_columns: Returns the boolean value; the default value is False

It sorts column names to determine plot ordering

secondary_y: Returns the boolean value or sequence; the default value is False.

It checks whether to plot on the secondary y-axis. If a list/tuple, it plots the columns of list /tuple on the secondary y-axis

mark_right: Returns the boolean value; the default value is True.

It is used when using a secondary_y axis, automatically mark the column labels with "(right)" in the legend

'**kwds': It is an optional parameter that refers to the options to pass to the matplotlib plotting method.



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