Sentence Formation21) 1. doctors 2.A team of 3.has decided 4.for swine flu. find a cure.
Answer: C Explanation: A team of doctors has decided to find a cure for swine flu. 22) 1.among smokers a 3.Chest pain 4.common issue
Answer: C Explanation: Chest pain is a common health issue among smokers. 23) 1. wicket 2.if a 3.falls 4.will it be 5.who
Answer: A Explanation: If a wicket falls, who will it be? 24) 1. in 62 balls 7.54 rpo 3.needs 4.India 5. a total of 78 runs
Answer: A Explanation: India needs a total of 78 runs in 62 balls at 7.54 rpo 25) 1. a severe 2.hit 3.the city 4.hailstorm 5.yesterday evening
Answer: B Explanation: A severe hailstorm hit the city yesterday evening. Sentence Formation Sentence Formation 2 Sentence Formation 3 Sentence Formation 4 Sentence Formation 6 Sentence Formation 7 Sentence Formation 8 Sentence Formation 9 Sentence Formation 10
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