What is the full form of ADHD

ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is the most common mental disorder in children that starts during childhood. It does not mean that it only affects children, can affect people of all ages.

The exact cause of ADHD is not known. Some factors that are believed to be the cause of ADHD include:

  • Child is born prematurely
  • Brain Injury
  • Low birth weight
  • Smoking, alcohol or drug abuse during pregnancy
  • Genetics, it can run in families
Fullform ADHD

Types of ADHD

ADHD can be of three types based on the symptoms of the child.

  • Inattentive: In this type, the major symptoms include lack of attention. The child has a short attention span, easily distracted and is not able to focus on any given task.
  • Hyperactive/impulsive: This type occurs when the patient has major symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity such as the child cannot sit still for a long duration, talks excessively, excessive physical movement, act without thinking, unable to wait for his or her turn, interrupts conversations.
  • Combined: It occurs when the patients exhibit symptoms of both inattention and hyperactivity or impulsivity.

The treatment of ADHD usually involves medications and behavioral interventions. It might not completely cure ADHD, but it can help reduces symptoms.

A youngster with ADHD could:

  • Often daydream
  • frequently lose or forget stuff
  • wriggle or fidget
  • Talk excessively
  • take needless risks or careless actions
  • having trouble avoiding the temptation
  • have difficulty waiting for their turn
  • have trouble getting along with other people
  • responses in haste
  • disrupts other people


Identifying whether a child has ADHD is a multi-step process. The symptoms of many other conditions, including anxiety, depression, sleep issues, and specific types of learning difficulties, might be similar to those of ADHD, which cannot be diagnosed with a single test. A medical checkup, which includes hearing and vision testing, is one stage in the procedure to rule out other conditions that have symptoms similar to ADHD. A checklist for grading ADHD symptoms and obtaining a medical history from the kid's parents, teachers, and occasionally the child themselves are typically used in the diagnosis of ADHD.


There are a few ways that can help you reduce the risk of ADHD in your child such as:

  • Don't consume anything that can harm fetal development during pregnancy such as alcohol, cigarette, and recreational drugs.
  • Protect your child from pollutants and toxins including cigarette smoke and lead paint.
  • Excessive exposure to TV or video games should be reduced in the early years of life.

Managing Symptoms: Maintaining Health

All kids need to be healthy, but kids with ADHD may need to be exceptionally healthy. A healthy lifestyle, in addition to behavioural therapy and medication, can help your child manage the symptoms of ADHD. Following are some beneficial healthy habits:

  • Creating a nutritious diet that includes consuming enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources is important.
  • Depending on age, engaging in everyday physical activity
  • limiting one's everyday exposure to devices like TVs, laptops, phones, and other electronic screens
  • Obtaining the recommended amount of rest each night depending on age.

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