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What is the full form of CMS

CMS: Content Management System

CMS stands for Content Management System. CMS is computer software used to edit, create, modify and publish digital content. Earlier, CMS software was used to manage computer documents and file, but now it is designed to help in managing the content of the web pages. It provides a common user interface which subsequently allows multiple users to publish updates live on the web. In simple words, it is a tool that helps you create a website even if you don't know how to code from scratch. CMS is generally used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM).

CMS full form

CMS has two major components:

  1. CMA stands for Content Management Application. It is the front-end user interface editing component, allowing users (who does not need to be a webmaster) to edit, modify, add or remove content from a web page.
  2. CDA stands for Content Delivery Application. It is the publishing tool, which updates the information on the website.


  • Helps to create a website faster.
  • Gives a full template support, without changing any content.
  • Is easy to use and manage.
  • Gives SEO friendly URLs.
  • Admin panel with multiple language support.
  • Needs less server requirement.
  • Integrated file managers and audit logs.
  • Speedy updating and SEO-friendly.
  • Revision feature helps update and edit content after initial publication.

Some web-based CMS Tools

  • WordPress
  • Joomla
  • M-Files
  • Wix
  • Oracle WebCenter
  • Pulse CMS
  • Drupal
  • Weebly
  • ExpressionEngine
  • TextPattern
  • SilverStripe
  • Alfresco
  • TYPOlight

Some CMS tools are freely available while some demand for monthly charges.

CMS: Central Monitoring System

CMS stands for Centralized Monitoring System. It was launched in India in 2011 to monitor all the communications and storing them centrally. It allows the government to record the personal information like phone calls, emails, texts, social media activity etc. The security agencies also use this system to lawfully intercept phone calls without taking the help from service providers.

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