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Calendar Methods and Properties

Calendar Methods

Following is a list of calendar methods:

Index Method Description
1) myCalendar.setValue(values) It is used to set new selected dates. Values is array where each item represents selected date
2) myCalendar.nextMonth(duration) It is used for calendar transition to next month for specified duration in ms
3) myCalendar.prevMonth(duration) It is used for calendar transition to previous month for specified duration in ms
4) myCalendar.nextYear() It is used for calendar transition to next year
5) myCalendar.prevYear() It is used for calendar transition to previous year
6) myCalendar.setYearMonth(year, month, duration) It is used for calendar transition to specified year, month for specified duration in ms
7) It is used to open Calendar
8) myCalendar.close() It is used to close Calendar
9) myCalendar.destroy() It is used to destroy Calendar instance and remove all events

Calendar Properties

Index Properties Description
1) myCalendar.params Object with passed initialization parameters
2) myCalendar.value Array where each item represents selected date
3) myCalendar.opened true if Calendar is currently opened
4) myCalendar.inline true if Calendar is inline Calendar
5) myCalendar.cols Array with specified Calendar columns. Each column also has its own methods and properties (look below)
6) myCalendar.container Dom7 instance with Calendar HTML container

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