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Checkboxes and Radios

The list view extension facilitates you to create checkbox and radio inputs in Framework7.

Following is a list of the checkboxes and radio inputs used in Framework7:

Index Type Description
1) Checkboxes group It allows the user to select a list of specified options by checking them.
2) Radios group iOS It allows the user to select only one option from the list of options.
3) Radios group Material Radios group is also supported by the Material theme and you have to add additional icons for radios.
4) With media list view It is possible to use both checkboxes and radios groups with media list view.

Checkboxes Group Example

Checkbox group facilitates users to select list of specified options by checking them.

The item-content must be a label element with label-checkbox class and the checkbox icon should be in item-media.


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Radios Group iOS Example

Radio Group iOS facilitates users to select only one option from the list of options. The item-content must be a label element with label-radio class and radio input should be the first child of item-content.

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Radios Group Material Example

Radio group is also supported by Framework7.

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With Media List View

It facilitates you to use both checkboxes and radios groups with media list view.


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