Framework7 TabsFramework7 Tabs are the set of logically grouped content that facilitates you to quickly move between them and save the space like accordion. Tabs LayoutSee the layout of a Framework7 tab: Here:
Switching Between TabsIf you want that the user can switch between tabs, use some controller in tabs layout. For this, you should create links (<a> tags) with tab-link class and href attribute equal to the id attribute of target tab: <!-- Here the link is used to activates 1st tab, has the same href attribute (#tab1) as the id attribute of 1st tab (tab1) --> <a href = "#tab1" class = "tab-link active">Tab 1</a> <!-- Here the link is used to activates 2st tab, has the same href attribute (#tab2) as the id attribute of 2st tab (tab2) --> <a href = "#tab2" class = "tab-link">Tab 2</a> <a href = "#tab3" class = "tab-link">Tab 3</a> Switch Multiple TabsIf you have single tab link and you want to switch between multiple tabs, use classes instead of using ID's and data-tab attribute. The data-tab attribute of tab-link contains CSS selector of target tab/tabs. There are different types of tabs used in Framework7:
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