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What is the full form of ISRO

ISRO: Indian Space Research Organization

ISRO stands for Indian Space Research Organization. It is one of the largest space agencies in the world. It develops application specific satellite products and tools for the country such as broadcast, communication, weather forecasts, geographic information systems, telemedicine, distance education satellites etc. Shri. A S Kiran Kumar is the Chairman of ISRO, 2015 onwards.

Vision: To harness space technology for national development while pursuing planetary exploration and space science research


ISRO was established in 1969 and works under the department of Space of the Government of India. Department of Space itself falls under the authority of Prime Minister and the space Commission. ISRO is engaged in application of Space Science and Space Technology and works for national benefits.

Dr. Vikram Sarabhai is known as the father of India's Space Program.

ISRO full form

Goals and Objectives of ISRO

The main objective of ISRO is to develop space technology and make it applicable into various nation tasks.


Indian Space Research Organization has achieved numerous milestones since its establishment starting from the first Indian Satellite, Aryabhata to Rohini, the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) and the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV).

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