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Java Full Stack

A full-stack developer is a person who can develop application's backend and frontend. Java full-stack is basically a term used for a web developer that uses Java to develop the entire technology stack is referred to as Java full stack developer.

Java Full Stack

A developer should have the following skills to become a Java full-stack developer:

1. Import projects and files

The developer should know about installing IDE's in the system such as IntelliJ and Eclipse, hello world program in IntelliJ, how we can import project files, how we can import eclipse(Java IDE) projects in IntelliJ. These are a very basic concept which not only an experience but also a fresher candidate should have.

2. Decision making under Java

The developer should have knowledge of decision-making statements and the operators which are used to make a decision. Operators such as arithmetic operators, assignments operators, and ternary operators are used for decision making. If, else if, and else statements play an important role in decision making. So, a developer should have knowledge of all the decision-making statements and operators.

3. Flow Control

After decision-making, the developer should know control flow statements and looping statements such as while, do-while, for, switch case, break, continue, modulo operator and nested loop, etc. A developer cannot write a code if he/she has no knowledge of flow control. For a full-stack position, firstly, you should have to gain knowledge of all the basic concepts of Java because you can't develop lengthy codes for an organization if your basics are not clear of Java.

4. Methods

The developer should have knowledge of parameterized and non-parameterized methods with the return type. Method overloading and method overriding are the two most important concepts of polymorphism, which play an important role in developing Java web and desktop applications. Java is an object-oriented programming language, so your concepts of methods should be crystal and clear. The developer should also have good knowledge of code block, indentation, and statements.

5. Oops Concepts

The developer should have knowledge of all the Opps concepts because Java is completely based on objects, methods, and classes. Before diving into advanced Java, you should have to clear the concepts of core Java such as Classes, Getters, Setters, Constructors, Inheritance, Composition, Encapsulation, Abstraction, Objects, and Polymorphism, etc.

6. Core Concepts

The Oops concepts are the building blocks for every object-oriented programming language. The core concepts include Interfaces, Abstract class, multiple inheritances using interface, Inner class, Nested class, Local inner class, Anonymous object, Anonymous inner class, User input, Static elements, Static inner class, Final keyword, Packages, Scope, Access modifier, Exception handling, multiple try-catch blocks, Finally, block, Throw and throws, User-defined exception, Checked and unchecked exception, Enum, and Strings(String literals, String Object, String methods, String formatting), etc. If you have no knowledge of the core concepts of Java, get knowledge of all the above-mentioned concepts deeply.

7. Java Array

We can include Java array in core concepts, but it will be good to separate it from core concepts. The array is one of the big concepts in itself because we can perform several operations in it. We should know initializing and defining arrays, ways to define or initialize an array, perform iteration on it using for loop, access and remove variables from it, call by value and call by reference methods, and many more.

8. Collection Framework

All the above-discussed concepts are part of the core Java. Once you get knowledge of the entire core Java concepts, you are ready to dive into advanced Java and get knowledge of its concepts. The collection Framework is the 1st most important framework that provides several useful classes such as ArrayList, Stack, LinkedList, Iterators, Comparable interface, etc. We should have the implementation knowledge of all these classes and interfaces along with their methods.

The collection framework also provides some complex classes such as Set, Queue, Dequeue, Map, and TreeMap. For building complex logic and codes, these classes are very helpful to maintain data. Along with these classes, the developer should also have knowledge of different types of Sets, Custom sorting using a comparator, Equal and hashcode methods, and Searching under Maps.

9. Generics

A developer should have knowledge of Generics in Java along with type parameters, generic method, bounded type parameter comparable interface, and wildcards. These are very important for developing complex and lengthy codes.

10. Multi-threading Concurrency Control

In Java, concurrency control and multi-threading concurrency are the two most important topics of advanced Java. The developer should have knowledge of multi-threading, how to create a thread by extending the thread class or implementing the runnable interface, Synchronization under concurrency control, Synchronized method, Synchronized block, Synchronized block on the object, Static Synchronization, Volatile keyword, Wait and notify, Interrupt, join, thread pools, CountDownLatch, Blocking queue, Reentrant lock, and Deadlock, etc. These concepts are required for writing logic or developing multi-threading applications in Java.

11. Lambda Expression

Lambda Expression was added in Java SE 8 to represent one method interface using an expression. The developer should also have knowledge of predicates and lambda expressions with methods and iterators. Lambda expression:

  1. Very useful in the collection library.
  2. Helps to iterate data from the collection.
  3. Helps to filter and extract data from the collection.
  4. Provides the implementation of an interface that has a functional interface.
  5. Saves a lot of code.

12. Find Handling

File handling is a concept that is important for each and every programming. In order to work with files, the developer should have knowledge of all the concepts related to read and write into the files. The developer should be experienced in Data streams, Creating files on disk, Creating a directory, writing onto files, Reading files with buffer, Reading files with a scanner, Scanner v/s a Buffered reader, File deletion, Try with resources and Serialization of Objects.

All the concepts which we mentioned above are required to develop applications that work with files. So, for a Java full-stack developer position, you should have experienced in these concepts.

13. Debugging

Debugging is a process or steps to find bugs and errors in the code. Debugging plays an important role in improving code quality. Developers should have the quality to debug their code. Debugging is helpful not only for debugging the code but also for understanding the flow of program code. The developer should have knowledge of how the value is updated at runtime, what is watch and how we can apply watch on variables.

14. GIT basics

GIT is one of the most widely used modern version control systems. It is an open-source project developed by Linus Torvalds in 2005. Java developers are user GIT for keeping any set of projects using a version control system. To become a Java full-stack developer, the developer should have knowledge of the following:

  1. Features of GIT.
  2. Setting up GIT.
  3. Clone and import GIT project into eclipse.
  4. Clone GIT project directly from eclipse.

15. JSP and Servlets

JSP and Servlets is a complete tutorial in itself. A developer should have knowledge of the following concepts:

Java Full Stack

a) JSP & Servlets basics

It includes concepts Servlets life cycle, JSP expressions element, JSP scriptlets element, JSP declarations element, JSP comment element, JSP directive element, Deployment descriptor, and annotations, JSP configuration in the deployment descriptor, Reading URL parameters, Include files in JSP page, Import class into JSP page, Forward and redirect under JSP, MVC overview, basic redirection using servlet and application based on MVC.

b) JSP & Servlets: Forms

The developer should have knowledge of creating forms using JSP and servlets, form elements, forms under JSP and Servlet, and form validation, etc. These concepts are required to design forms using Java. Each and every application needs to have an authentication page such as login or signup for security reasons. So, we cannot think of designing or developing an application without creating a form.

c) JSP & Servlets: Java Beans and Session management

Java Beans and Session management are both required to develop an application. Basically, a bean is a reusable software component that encapsulates many objects into a single object so that we can access it from multiple places. Session management is essential for Java web applications to manage user sessions by using several ways such as Cookies and HttpSession etc.

Bean scope, session, page & application, request scope, Beans with web forms, Session under JSP, Read & write operation of the cookie, user logout, Organizing application, Fixing redirect and forward links, handling session without a cookie, and servlet filters are the necessary topic whose knowledge is required to become a Java full stack developer.

d) JSP & Servlets: JSTL tags

JSTL tags are categorized into 5 parts, i.e., JSTL core tags, JSTL functions tags, JSTL XML tags, JSTL formatting tags and JSTL custom tag. JSTL core tags include concepts JSTL setup, JSTL set and remove tags, Reading from Bean using expression language, decision making under JSTL, JSTL choose and when tags, JSTL for loop, JSTL forEach loop, JSTL for Tokens tag, JSTL import and param tag, JSTL URL and redirect tag, and JSTL catch tag.

JSTL functions tags include JSTL length functions, JSTL trim and escapeXml function, JSTL more function, JSTL even more function and JSTL split and join function.

JSTL XML tags include JSTL XML and Parse and Out tag, JSTL XML ForEach and if tag, and JSTL XML Choose When otherwise.

JSTL formatting tags include formatting date and number(Document).

JSTL custom tag is a tag creating by the developer.

e) JSP & Servlets: Integrate web template

It is another important concept of JSP and Servlet. Many times, we need to integrate web templates into our application. In order to integrate web templates, we should have knowledge of how we can extract header and footer from the template, how to integrate the template with the project, and integrate the template with the project using JSTL.

f) JSP & Servlets: Remaining concepts

A developer should also have knowledge of how we can interact with the database, how to use the workbench, setup of the JNDI, how we can listing data on the webpage, how to use of include directive, how to add, update, delete and fetch record from the database, adding JSTL support, and Image/File upload, etc.

16. Hibernate

Hibernate is another concept of Java. A developer should be familiar with the Hibernate and its architecture and should also have implementation knowledge of it. The developer should be experienced in MySQL and SQL workbench. In hibernate, the developer should have familiar with Session factory and session, Adding Entity class, Hibernate in Action, CRUD-Retrieving Record from Database, CRUD-Updating a Record in Database, CRUD-Deleting Record from the database, HQL(Hibernate Query Language), HQL Where clause, Update record using HQL, Deleting record using HQL, integrate hibernate with JSP and Servlet, hibernate configuration, Hibernate entity class with JSP and Servlet, Hibernate in action with JSP and Servlet, display image files, improve the view of the page, adding update information form, implement update information functionality, update specific column data using hibernate, add view image action, implement view image page, and add delete image action. All the above-mentioned concepts are related to hibernate, and hibernate is the framework that is very important for Java full-stack developers.

17. Spring framework

Spring is a framework that is mostly used for Java. It provides a comprehensive programming and configuration model for modern Java-based enterprise applications. In order to work with the Spring framework, we should have knowledge of the required software, Inversion of control, Dependency injection, Autowire scenarios, Qualifier annotation, Spring Bean, Constructor injection, Spring project on IntelliJ, Adding SpringMVC support on Eclipse, Simple dynamic web project, Model in a web project, Spring MVC minimal setup, Basic form with Spring MVC, ModelAndView and foreach on data, Springform elements such as Input and Radio, Radio-buttons and background, Dropdown list, Text area, checkbox, etc., Adding STS 3 support into Eclipse, Add external resource, add style sheet, Form validation, Database connectivity using JDBC(XML configuration and Annotation), Exception handling under Spring MVC, Restful API web service, database connectivity with hibernate, JAX-RS, Spring MVC + Restful web service background, building restful microservice with spring boot, and restful micro-service with database connectivity.

All the above concepts are required to become a full-stack Java developer. If you have knowledge of all these concepts, you will definitely crack the interview process of a Java full-stack developer.

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