Spring JdbcTemplate TutorialSpring JdbcTemplate is a powerful mechanism to connect to the database and execute SQL queries. It internally uses JDBC api, but eliminates a lot of problems of JDBC API. Problems of JDBC APIThe problems of JDBC API are as follows:
Advantage of Spring JdbcTemplateSpring JdbcTemplate eliminates all the above mentioned problems of JDBC API. It provides you methods to write the queries directly, so it saves a lot of work and time. Spring Jdbc ApproachesSpring framework provides following approaches for JDBC database access:
JdbcTemplate classIt is the central class in the Spring JDBC support classes. It takes care of creation and release of resources such as creating and closing of connection object etc. So it will not lead to any problem if you forget to close the connection. It handles the exception and provides the informative exception messages by the help of excepion classes defined in the org.springframework.dao package. We can perform all the database operations by the help of JdbcTemplate class such as insertion, updation, deletion and retrieval of the data from the database. Let's see the methods of spring JdbcTemplate class.
Example of Spring JdbcTemplateWe are assuming that you have created the following table inside the Oracle10g database. Employee.javaThis class contains 3 properties with constructors and setter and getters. EmployeeDao.javaIt contains one property jdbcTemplate and three methods saveEmployee(), updateEmployee and deleteEmployee(). applicationContext.xmlThe DriverManagerDataSource is used to contain the information about the database such as driver class name, connnection URL, username and password. There are a property named datasource in the JdbcTemplate class of DriverManagerDataSource type. So, we need to provide the reference of DriverManagerDataSource object in the JdbcTemplate class for the datasource property. Here, we are using the JdbcTemplate object in the EmployeeDao class, so we are passing it by the setter method but you can use constructor also. Test.javaThis class gets the bean from the applicationContext.xml file and calls the saveEmployee() method. You can also call updateEmployee() and deleteEmployee() method by uncommenting the code as well.
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