Kotlin Android XMLPullParser TutorialXML document is commonly used to share the data on the internet. The data provided in XML format are able to update frequently and parsing them is a common task for network-based apps. In android, there are three types of XML parsers to parse the XML data and read them in android applications. These parsers are:
Android recommends to use XMLPullParser to parse the XML file rather than SAX and DOM because it is fast. The org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser interface provides the functionality to parse the XML document using XMLPullParser. Events of XmlPullParserThe next() method of XMLPullParser moves the cursor pointer to the next event. Generally, we use four constants (works as the event) defined in the XMLPullParser interface.
Example of XML Parsing using XMLPullParserIn this example, we read the XML data and bind them into a ListView using XMLPullParser. activity_main.xmlAdd the ListView in the activity_main.xml layout. employees.xmlCreate the XML document employees.xml in assets directory to parse the data using XMLPullParser. Employee.ktCreate a data model class Employee.kt corresponds to the XML data file. XmlPullParserHandler.ktWrite the code to parse the XML file using XMLPullParser. In this class, we return all the employees in the list. MainActivity.ktIn this class, we send XML data into ArrayAdapter and bind them into ListView. Output:
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