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Polymer Installation

There are two ways to install and configure polymer in your system:

  • The Polymer CLI (Command Line Interface)
  • The Bower

Installing Polymer using CLI

Follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Use the following command to install Polymer:

Polymer Installation 1 Polymer Installation 2

Step2: You can check the successful installation and version using the following command:

Polymer Installation 3

Step 3: Create a directory by giving a name and switch to that directory.

Polymer Installation 4

Step 4: Run the following command to initialize your project in your polymer-jsdirectory.

You will see something like this after executing the above command:

Polymer Installation 5

Step 5: Select the polymer-2-application from the above options.

Polymer Installation 6

Now, start your project using the following command.

polymer serve

Example polymer

Install Polymer using Bower

Step 1: To start from scratch using Bower method, install the Bower using the following command.

Polymer Installation 7

Step 2: Install the Polymer using the following command.

Polymer Installation 8

Step 3: Check the successful installation and version of Polymer, using the following command.

If it has installed successfully, then it will show the version as -

Polymer Installation 9

Step 4: To install the latest Polymer 2.0 RC release from bower, use the following command.

Step 5: Create a index.html file and add the following code in the <head> tag.

Step 6: Start your project using the following command.

Next TopicPolymer Elements

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