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ModelSerializer in serializers - Django REST Framework

Django REST Framework (DRF) is a powerful toolkit for building APIs in Python. One of its core components is the serializers module, which provides a way to convert complex data types, such as Django models, into simple Python data types that can be easily rendered into JSON, XML or other content types.

In DRF, the ModelSerializer is a subclass of the Serializer class that provides a simple and consistent way to create serializers for Django models. It reduces the amount of code required to serialize and deserialize models and provides sensible defaults for common use cases.

In this article, we will discuss the key features and usage of ModelSerializer in DRF.

Key Features of ModelSerializer

Automatic Field Generation

The ModelSerializer automatically generates a set of fields based on the model definition. By default, it includes all the fields defined on the model, excluding any that are marked as private (i.e., starting with an underscore). These fields are automatically mapped to the corresponding serializer fields, such as CharField, IntegerField, and so on.

Nested Serializers

ModelSerializer can also generate nested serializers for related models, which makes it easy to represent complex relationships in your API. By default, it includes all related objects using their default serializers. For example, if you have a model with a foreign key to another model, the generated serializer will include a nested representation of that related model.


The ModelSerializer also includes built-in validation for your model instances. When you call the is_valid() method on a serializer instance, it validates the input data against the serializer fields and the model constraints. If there are any errors, it raises a validation error with a detailed error message.

Save Methods

The ModelSerializer provides a create() and update() method, which you can use to create or update model instances based on the validated data. These methods handle the complexity of creating or updating related objects and ensure that any nested serializers are also properly saved.

Using ModelSerializer

To use the ModelSerializer, you need to create a new serializer class that subclasses ModelSerializer and specifies the model class that you want to serialize. Here's an example of a serializer for a simple model:

In this example, we create a serializer for the Person model. We specify the model attribute to tell the serializer which model to serialize, and the fields attribute to specify the fields that should be included in the serialized output.

By default, the ModelSerializer will use the pk field as the primary key for the model. If your model has a different primary key field, you can specify it using the primary_key_field attribute in the Meta class.

To use the serializer in your views, you can create an instance of it and pass it the model instance that you want to serialize. Here's an example of how to use the PersonSerializer to serialize a Person instance:

In this example, we create a view that retrieves a Person instance by its primary key and then passes it to the PersonSerializer. The serializer returns a serialized representation of the person object, which we return as the response.

Customizing ModelSerializer

The ModelSerializer provides sensible defaults formost use cases, but you can also customize it to fit your specific needs. Here are some ways to customize the ModelSerializer:

Specifying Additional Fields

The ModelSerializer provides a convenient way to serialize Django model instances by automatically generating a set of fields that correspond to the model's attributes. However, sometimes you may need to include additional fields in the serialized output that are not defined on the model. If you need to include additional fields in the serialized output that are not defined on the model, you can specify them in the serializer class. For example:

In this example, we add a full_name field to the serializer that concatenates the first_name and last_name fields on the model. We define the full_name field as a SerializerMethodField, which tells the serializer to call the get_full_name method to generate the value for the field.

The ModelSerializer provides a few ways to add additional fields to the serialized output. One way is to use the SerializerMethodField class, which allows you to define a custom method that generates the value of the field. Here's an example:

In this example, we define a full_name field on the PersonSerializer that concatenates the first_name and last_name fields on the Person model. We use the SerializerMethodField class to define the field and provide a custom method get_full_name() that generates the value of the field.

The get_full_name() method takes an argument obj, which is the Person instance being serialized. It then returns the concatenated full name string.

You can also define additional fields on the PersonSerializer that are not generated by the ModelSerializer. For example, you may want to include a field that is calculated based on some external data source. Here's an example:

In this example, we define an age field on the PersonSerializer that is not defined on the Person model. We also provide an age_data argument to the serializer, which is used to calculate the age value for each Person instance.The age field is defined as an IntegerField, and we override the _init_() method of the PersonSerializer to pop the age_data argument from the kwargs dictionary and store it as an instance variable.

We also define a get_age() method that generates the value of the age field. The method takes an argument obj, which is the Person instance being serialized. It then looks up the age value for the Person instance in the age_data dictionary.

When the PersonSerializer is used to serialize a Person instance, the age field will be included in the serialized output, and its value will be calculated based on the age_data argument that was provided to the serializer.

In summary, the ModelSerializer provides several ways to add additional fields to the serialized output. You can use the SerializerMethodField class to define a custom method that generates the value of the field, or you can define a field on the serializer class and provide a custom method to generate its value.

Overriding Default Fields

If you need to customize the behavior of a field that is generated by the ModelSerializer, you can override it by defining a field with the same name in the serializer class. For example:

In this example, we override the default email field generated by the ModelSerializer and make it optional by setting the required attribute to False.

Customizing Nested Serializers

If you need to customize the behavior of a nested serializer, you can override the to_representation() method of the parent serializer to modify the serialized representation of the nested object. For example:

In this example, we have a nested serializer for the Address model that is included in the PersonSerializer. We override the to_representation() method of the PersonSerializer to return only the city field from the Address object.

Customizing Validation

If you need to customize the validation behavior of the ModelSerializer, you can override the validate() method of the serializer class. For example:

In this example, we override the validate() method of the PersonSerializer to disallow email addresses ending with


In this article, we have discussed the key features and usage of the ModelSerializer in Django REST Framework. We have seen how the ModelSerializer can automatically generate fields and handle nested serializers, validation, and saving. We have also discussed ways to customize the ModelSerializer to fit your specific needs, such as adding additional fields, overriding default fields, customizing nested serializers, and customizing validation.

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