The ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. The ASCII code is an alphanumeric code used for data communication in digital computers. The ASCII is a 7-bit code capable of representing 27 or 128 number of different characters. The ASCII code is made up of a three-bit group, which is followed by a four-bit code.

  • The ASCII Code is a 7 or 8-bit alphanumeric code.
  • This code can represent 127 unique characters.
  • The ASCII code starts from 00h to 7Fh. In this, the code from 00h to 1Fh is used for control characters, and the code from 20h to 7Fh is used for graphic symbols.
  • The 8-bit code holds ASCII, which supports 256 symbols where math and graphic symbols are added.
  • The range of the extended ASCII is 80h to FFh.

The ASCII characters are classified into the following groups:


Control Characters

The non-printable characters used for sending commands to the PC or printer are known as control characters. We can set tabs, and line breaks functionality by this code. The control characters are based on telex technology. Nowadays, it's not so much popular in use. The character from 0 to 31 and 127 comes under control characters.

Special Characters

All printable characters that are neither numbers nor letters come under the special characters. These characters contain technical, punctuation, and mathematical characters with space also. The character from 32 to 47, 58 to 64, 91 to 96, and 123 to 126 comes under this category.

Numbers Characters

This category of ASCII code contains ten Arabic numerals from 0 to 9.

Letters Characters

In this category, two groups of letters are contained, i.e., the group of uppercase letters and the group of lowercase letters. The range from 65 to 90 and 97 to 122 comes under this category.


The values are typically represented in ASCII code tables in decimal, binary, and hexadecimal form.

BinaryHexadecimalDecimalASCII SymbolDescriptionGroup
000000000NULThe null character encourage the device to do nothingControl Character
000000111SOHThe symbol SOH(Starts of heading) Initiates the header.Control Character
000001022STXThe symbol STX(Start of Text) ends the header and marks the beginning of a message.Control Character
000001133ETXThe symbol ETX(End of Text) indicates the end of the message.Control Character
000010044EOTThe EOT(end of text) symbol marks the end of a completes transmissionControl Character
000010155ENQThe ENQ(Enquiry) symbol is a request that requires a responseControl Character
000011066ACKThe ACK(Acknowledge) symbol is a positive answer to the request.Control Character
000011177BELThe BEL(Bell) symbol triggers a beep.Control Character
000100088BSLets the cursor move back one step (Backspace)Control Character
000100199TAB (HT)A horizontal tab that moves the cursor within a row to the next predefined position (Horizontal Tab)Control Character
0001010A10LFCauses the cursor to jump to the next line (Line Feed)Control Character
0001011B11VTThe vertical tab lets the cursor jump to a predefined line (Vertical Tab)Control Character
0001100C12FFRequests a page break (Form Feed)Control Character
0001101D13CRMoves the cursor back to the first position of the line (Carriage Return)Control Character
0001110E14SOSwitches to a special presentation (Shift Out)Control Character
0001111F15SISwitches the display back to the normal state (Shift In)Control Character
00100001016DLEChanges the meaning of the following characters (Data Link Escape)Control Character
00100011117DC1Control characters assigned depending on the device used (Device Control)Control Character
00100101218DC2Control characters assigned depending on the device used (Device Control)Control Character
00100111319DC3Control characters assigned depending on the device used (Device Control)Control Character
00101001420DC4Control characters assigned depending on the device used (Device Control)Control Character
00101011521NAKThe negative response to a request (Negative Acknowledge)Control Character
00101101622SYNSynchronizes a data transfer, even if no signals are transmitted (Synchronous Idle)Control Character
00101111723ETBMarks the end of a transmission block (End of Transmission Block)Control Character
00110001824CANMakes it clear that transmission was faulty and the data must be discarded (Cancel)Control Character
00110011925EMIndicates the end of the storage medium (End of Medium)Control Character
00110101A26SUBReplacement for a faulty sign (Substitute)Control Character
00110111B27ESCInitiates an escape sequence and thus gives the following characters a special meaning (Escape)Control Character
00111001C28FSFile separator.Control Character
00111011D29GSGroup separator.Control Character
00111101E30RSRecord separator.Control Character
00111111F31USUnit separator.Control Character
01000002032SPBlank spaceSpecial Character
01000012133!Exclamation markSpecial Character
01000102234Only quotes aboveSpecial Character
01000112335#Pound signSpecial Character
01001002436$Dollar signSpecial Character
01001012537%Percentage signSpecial Character
01001102638&Commercial andSpecial Character
01001112739ApostropheSpecial Character
01010002840(Left bracketSpecial Character
01010012941)Right bracketSpecial Character
01010102A42*AsteriskSpecial Character
01010112B43+Plus symbolSpecial Character
01011002C44,CommaSpecial Character
01011012D45-DashSpecial Character
01011102E46.Full stopSpecial Character
01011112F47/Forward slashSpecial Character
01110103A58:ColonSpecial characters
01110113B59;SemicolonSpecial characters
01111003C60<Small than bracketSpecial characters
01111013D61=Equals signSpecial characters
01111103E62>Bigger than symbolSpecial characters
01111113F63?Question markSpecial characters
10000004064@At symbolSpecial characters
10000014165ACapital letters
10000104266BCapital letters
10000114367CCapital letters
10001004468DCapital letters
10001014569ECapital letters
10001104670FCapital letters
10001114771GCapital letters
10010004872HCapital letters
10010014973ICapital letters
10010104A74JCapital letters
10010114B75KCapital letters
10011004C76LCapital letters
10011014D77MCapital letters
10011104E78NCapital letters
10011114F79OCapital letters
10100005080PCapital letters
10100015181QCapital letters
10100105282RCapital letters
10100115383SCapital letters
10101005484TCapital letters
10101015585UCapital letters
10101105686VCapital letters
10101115787WCapital letters
10110005888XCapital letters
10110015989YCapital letters
10110105A90ZCapital letters
10110115B91[Left square bracketSpecial character
10111005C92\Inverse/backward slashSpecial character
10111015D93]Right square bracketSpecial character
10111105E94^CircumflexSpecial character
10111115F95_UnderscoreSpecial character
11000006096`Gravis (backtick)Special character
11000016197ALowercase letters
11000106298BLowercase letters
11000116399CLowercase letters
110010064100DLowercase letters
110010165101ELowercase letters
110011066102FLowercase letters
110011167103GLowercase letters
110100068104HLowercase letters
110100169105ILowercase letters
11010106A106JLowercase letters
11010116B107KLowercase letters
11011006C108LLowercase letters
11011016D109MLowercase letters
11011106E110NLowercase letters
11011116F111OLowercase letters
111000070112PLowercase letters
111000171113QLowercase letters
111001072114RLowercase letters
111001173115SLowercase letters
111010074116TLowercase letters
111010175117ULowercase letters
111011076118vLowercase letters
111011177119wLowercase letters
111100078120xLowercase letters
111100179121yLowercase letters
11110107A122zLowercase letters
11110117B123{Left curly bracketSpecial characters
11111007C124lVertical lineSpecial characters
11111017D125}Right curly bracketsSpecial characters
11111107E126~TildeSpecial characters
11111117F127DELThe DEL(Delete) symbol deletes a character. This is a control character that consists of the same number in all positions.Control characters

Example 1: (10010101100001111011011000011010100111000011011111101001 110111011101001000000011000101100100110011)2

Step 1: In the first step, we we make the groups of 7-bits because the ASCII code is 7 bit.

1001010 1100001 1110110 1100001 1010100 1110000 1101111 1101001 1101110 1110100 1000000 0110001 0110010 0110011

Step 2: Then, we find the equivalent decimal number of the binary digits either from the ASCII table or 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 scheme.

64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1   0   0   1 0 1 0
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1    1   0   0 0 0 1
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1   1   1   0 1 1 0
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1   1   0   0 0 0 1
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1   0   1   0 1 0 0
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1   1   1   0 0 0 0
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1   1   0   1 1 1 1
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1   1   0   1 0 0 1
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1   1   0   1 1 1 0
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1   1   1   0 1 0 0
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
1   0   0   0 0 0 0
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
0   1   1   0 0 0 1
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
0   1   1   0 0 1 0
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
0   1   1   0 0 1 1

Step 3: Last, we find the equivalent symbol of the decimal number from the ASCII table.


ASCII Code: JavaTpoint@123

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