Computer Graphics ProgramsWrite a Program to draw basic graphics construction like line, circle, arc, ellipse and rectangle.Output Write a Program to draw animation using increasing circles filled with different colors and patterns.Output Program to make screen saver in that display different size circles filled with different colors and at random places.Output Write a Program to make a moving colored car using inbuilt functions.Output Write a Program to print your name in Hindi script on console output in C.Output Write a Program control a ball using arrow keys.Output Write a Program to implement Digital Clock.Output Write a Program to make puzzle game.Output Write a Program to implement bouncing ball using sine wave form.Output Write a Program to implement Bouncing Ball in vertical direction.Output Write a program of Translation, Rotation, and Scaling using Composite Transformation.Output Write a program to draw a Circle using midpoint implementation Method.Output Write a program to draw Bezier curve.Output Program to rotate a rectangle about its midpointOutput Program to clip a line using Liang Barsky MethodOutput Program to implement Standard Perspective Projection in 3-Dimensions.Output Program to implement Parallel Projection in 3-Dimensions.Output Program to draw Sine, Cosine and Tangent CurvesOutput Next Topic# |