JavaFX Glow Effect

Like Bloom effect, Glow effect is also used to glow the pixels of the image. However, it makes the image much brighter. The class javafx.scene.effect.Glow represents the Glow effect. The class contains various properties which can be set to the certain values in order to apply the appropriate effect.


The properties of the class along with the setter methods are described in the following table.

PropertyDescriptionSetter Methods
inputThis represents the input for the effect. This is a Effect class object type property.setInput(Effect value)
levelIt represents a value which controls the intensity of the glow effect on the node.setLevel(double value)


There are two constructor in the class.

  1. Public Glow(): It is the default constructor. It instantiate the class with the default parameters.
  2. Public Glow(double level): It creates the instance with the specified level value.


JavaFX Glow Effect

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