How to Install Magento on CentOS


Magento is an open source e-commerce platform developed by Varien Inc. It was completely written in PHP and was released on March, 31st 2008.It was acquired by e-bay which released Magento2 on November 17, 2015. In this tutorial, we will install Magento on CentOS.


  • CentOS7
  • LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP)

Following PHP Extensions

  • PHP Extension dom.
  • PHP Extension Curl.
  • PHP Extension mcrypt.
  • PHP Extension simplexml.
  • PHP Extension spl.
  • PHP Extension xsl.
  • PHP Extension intl.
  • PHP Extension mbstring.
  • PHP Extension ctype.
  • PHP Extension hash.
  • PHP Extension openssl.
  • PHP Extension zip.
  • PHP Extension xmlwriter.
  • PHP Extension gd.
  • PHP Extension iconv.


Installation includes following steps.

1. Download and Extract Magento

Visit the official website of Magento and download the latest compressed source code file of Magento. Use the following command to extract the downloaded file.

2. Run Composer Install

Change the working directory to the Magento directory and run the following command.

CentOS How to Install Magento on CentOS

3. Start the PHP development server

Change the current working directory to the installation directory of Magento by just typing cd magento2-2.2.2 and then execute the following command to start the PHP development server.

CentOS How to Install Magento on CentOS 1

4. Access on browser

In order to install Magento on the system, we just need to access it over the browser by typing loalhost:8082 in the browser's search bar.

The browser window will appear like following.

CentOS How to Install Magento on CentOS 2

Click on Agree and setup Magento to proceed Magento installation.

CentOS How to Install Magento on CentOS 3

Click Start Reediness Check to let magento check the PHP version and other requirements.

CentOS How to Install Magento on CentOS 4

Now Magento has checked all the requirement which are fulfilled. Now we need to create a database named as magento in my case. Open the MySQL shell and type create database magento; to create the database.

CentOS How to Install Magento on CentOS 5 CentOS How to Install Magento on CentOS 6

This part of the installation prompts us to fill all the details about the database which has just created. Enter all the details such as database server username, password and database name, click Next.

CentOS How to Install Magento on CentOS 7

This step prompts us to setup the web configuration such as store address and magneto Admin Address which should be unique. Choose the Address (I have chosen javatpoint123) and click Next.

CentOS How to Install Magento on CentOS 8

Now, we have to customize our website by just setting the default time zone and currency details. Set all the desired details and click Next.

CentOS How to Install Magento on CentOS 9

Fill out all the desired step which are asked in this step such as New Username, Email and Password. Click Next and we will get the setup ready for Magento Installation. Click Install Now to start the installation process.

CentOS How to Install Magento on CentOS 10

Now, Magento has been installed successfully on our CentOS. Following page shows all the database info, store address and login credentials.

CentOS How to Install Magento on CentOS 11

Hence, we have installed and get started with Magento. Click on Launch Magento Admin to launch the Application.

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