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How to Add a Login Form to an Image using HTML and CSS?

In this tutorial, we will learn how we use HTML and CSS to add a form in an image.

How to Add a Login Form to an Image using HTML and CSS

Many websites make use of the login form on an image. For example, a restaurant website with photographs of the restaurant or an organisation that organises a special event with a picture of the event and a login form. In that instance, we can use the image to create a login or signup form. This layout makes the website more appealing than a standard login or registration form. We only need HTML and CSS to create a login form on an image. The following example will demonstrate the concept's approach.

Creating the Structure:

In this part, we will build a simple structure of a website in order to develop a login form on a photo.

HTML code serves to create the layout of the login form.

HTML Code:

Structure Design:

In the previous step, we constructed the design of the basic website. We will develop the template for the login form in this part.

CSS Code:

After Merging the HTML and CSS Code

here is the final code. As we will notice from the image, the left align login form is more appealing than a standard login form.

HTML Code:


How to Add a Login Form to an Image using HTML and CSS

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