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Angular Material Menu

<mat-menu> is a temporary panel containing a list of options. It is used to create menus and engage with controls along with content design, styling, and animation capabilities.

The <mat-menu> element itself does not represent anything. The menu is attached and opened by the application of matMenuTriggerFor directive:

The menu exposes an API to open/close programmatically. Note that in this case, a matMenuTriggerFor directive is required to attach a menu to trigger the element in the DOM.


Menu displaying mat-icon elements before the menu item text.

Customizing Menu Position

By default, the menu will display (y-axis), after (x-axis), without overlapping its trigger. The position can be changed using the xPosition (before | after) and yPosition (up | down) attributes. Using the overlapTrigger attribute, the menu can be forced to overlap the trigger.

Nested Menu

The content supports the ability of a matte-menu-item to open a sub-menu. To do this, we need to define our root menu and sub-menu, in addition to setting [matMenuTriggerFor] on the mat-menu-item that triggers the sub-menu:

Lazy Rendering

By default, menu content will be initialized when the panel is closed. To postpone initialization the content can be provided as an N-template until the matmenucontent is open.

Passing in Data to a Menu

When using lazy rendering, additional reference data can be passed through the menu panel via matMenuTriggerData input. It allows a single menu instance to be provided with a different set of data, depending on the trigger that opens it:

Keyboard interaction

  • DOWN_ARROW: It focuses the next menu item
  • UP_ARROW: It focuses previous menu item
  • RIGHT_ARROW: It opens the menu item's sub-menu
  • LEFT_ARROW: It closes the current menu, and it is a sub-menu
  • ENTER: It activates the focused menu item
  • ESCAPE: Escape closes the menu


Menu triggers and menu items without text or labels have given a meaningful label via aria-label and aria-labelledby.

Example 1:




Angular Material Menu

Example 2:

Modified module descriptor app.module.ts.

Following is the content of the modified HTML host file app.component.html.


Angular Material Menu


We have created two menu using mat-menu and then bind them to buttons by using matMenuTriggerFor. MatMenuTriggerFor passed the menu identifier to attach the menu.

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