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Angular Material Progress Bar

The <mat-progress-bar> is a horizontal progress-bar used for indicating the progress and activity.

Progress Bar Modes

It supports four modes: determinate, indeterminate, buffer, and query.


Determinate operations are those where the percentage of the operation is complete.




Angular Material Progress Bar

It is the default mode, and the value property represents the progress.


In an Indeterminate operation, the user is asked to wait until the previous one finishes, and it is not necessary to indicate how much time it will use the indefinite pointer.




Angular Material Progress Bar

In this mode, the value property is ignored.


Use the buffer mode of the progress-bar to indicate the activity or loading of the server.




Angular Material Progress Bar

In the "buffer" mode, the value determines the primary bar's progress, while the buffer is used to show the buffering progress.


Use the query-mode of the progress-bar to indicate pre-loading before the actual loading begins.




Angular Material Progress Bar

In "Query" mode, the progress-bar inversion presents as an indefinite bar. After the response progress is available, the mode must be determined to express the progress. In this mode, the value property is ignored.


Using the color property, the color of the progress bar will change. By default, progress-bars use the theme's primary color. It can be changed to accent or warn.

Angular Material Progress Bar


Each progress bar should be given a meaningful label by area-label or area-labeledby.

<Mat-progress-spinner> and <mat-spinner> are a circular indicator of activity or progress. The md-progress-circular and md-progress-linear are the progress directives, and they show loading content messages in the application.

The following table shows the parameters and description of many attributes of md-progress-circular.

Sr.No Parameter Description
1 *md-mode Select one of two modes: 'determinate' and ' Indeterminate. ' If the md-mode value is specified as undefined or 1 of two valid modes, .ng-hide will auto-apply as a style to the component; md-mode = "indeterminate" will be injected automatically as an attribute. If value = "is also specified, then md-mode =" determined "will be auto-injected.
2 value Indeterminate mode represents the percentage of circular progress. By default, it is 0.
3 md-diameter It specifies the diameter of the circular progress. The value may be a percentage (eg '25%') or a pixel-size value (eg '48'). If the attribute is not present, then a default value of '48px' is assumed.
4 md-buffer-value Indeterminate mode, The number represents the percentage of the primary progress bar. By default, It is also 0.

Angular Material Progress Bar

Example 1:

The example shows the use of the md-progress-circular directive and the uses of circular progress bars.



Angular Material Progress Bar

Example: 2

The following example shows the use of linear progress bars.



Angular Material Progress Bar

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