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<apex: column> Component in Visualforce Page

The <apex: column> component is one of the most important component when we work with <apex: dataTable> and <apex:pageBlockTable> components. The <apex: column> is used for creating a single column in a table and it must always be child of <apex:dataTable> or <apex:pageBlockTable> components.

When we bind the value attribute of <apex: column> component with a sObject field, the label associated with this field is used as the column header.

Note: If we want to override the standard label, use the headerValue attribute or the column's header facet.

The HTML pass-through attributes are also supported by this component using the "html-" prefix.

The <apex: column> component has the following attributes:

1. breakBefore

The breakBefore attribute is of type Boolean, which specifies whether the column should begin with a new row in the column or not. By default, its value is set to false.


2. colspan

The colspan attribute is of type Integer, which specifies the total number of columns that this column spans in the table.

The colspan attribute cannot be used for header and footer cells.


3. dir

The dir attribute is of type String that specifies the direction in which the generated column text should be generated. LTR and RTL are the two possible values for this attribute.

Like the colspan attribute, we cannot use this attribute for header and footer cells.


4. footerClass

The footerClass attribute is of type string that is used for specifying the style class to apply it on the column footer for displaying it. When we want to apply an external CSS stylesheet, we use this attribute.


5. footercolspan, footerdir, footerlang, footeronclick, footerondbclick, footeronkeydown, footeronkeypress, footeronkeyup, footeronmousemove, footeronmouseout, footeronmouseover, footeronmouseup, footerstyle, footertitle

All these attributes were depreciated in version 16.0 and did not affect the page.

6. footerValue

The footerValue is of type string that is used for specifying the text to display it in the column footer.

We cannot use the footer facet of the column if we are using the footerValue attribute.


7. headerClass

The headerClass attribute is of type string that is used for specifying the style class to apply it on the table header for displaying it. When we want to apply an external CSS stylesheet, we use this attribute.


8. headercolspan, headerdir, headerlang, headeronclick, headerondbclick, headeronkeydown, headeronkeypress, headeronkeyup, headeronmousemove, headeronmouseout, headeronmouseover, headeronmouseup, headerstyle, headertitle

All these attributes were depreciated in version 16.0 and did not affect the page.

9. headerValue

The headerValue is of type string that is used for specifying the text to display it in the column header.

We cannot use the column header facet if we use the headerValue attribute.


10. id

The id is of type string that is used to allow this component to be referenced by other components on the page.


11. lang

The lang is of type string that is used to specify the base language that is used for the generated HTML output. The values can be "en" or "en-US" etc.


12. onclick

The onclick attribute is of type string that is used to invoke the JavaScript method when the onclick event occurs in the column.

The onclick attribute cannot be applied on header and footer cells.


13. ondblclick

The ondblclick attribute is of type string that is used to invoke the JavaScript method when the ondblclick event occurs in the column or simply when the column is clicked twice.

The ondblclick attribute can also not be applied to header and footer cells.


14. onkeydown

The onkeydown attribute is of type string that is used to invoke the JavaScript method when the onkeydown event occurs in the column or simply when the user presses a keyboard key.

The onkeydown attribute can also not be applied to header and footer cells.


15. onkeypress

The onkeypress attribute is of type string that is used to invoke the JavaScript method when the onkeypress event occurs in the column or simply when the user holds down or presses a keyboard key.

The onkeypress attribute can also not be applied to header and footer cells.


16. onkeyup

The onkeyup attribute is of type string that is used to invoke the JavaScript method when the onkeyup event occurs in the column or simply when the user releases a keyboard key.

The onkeyup attribute can also not be applied to header and footer cells.


17. onmousedown

The onmousedown attribute is of type string that is used to invoke the JavaScript method when the onmousedown event occurs in the column or simply when the user presses the mouse button.

The onmousedown attribute can also not be applied to header and footer cells.


18. onmousemove

The onmousemove attribute is of type string that is used to invoke the JavaScript method when the onmousemove event occurs in the column or simply when the user moves the mouse pointer.

The onmousemove attribute can also not be applied to header and footer cells.


19. onmouseout

The onmouseout attribute is of type string that is used to invoke the JavaScript method when the onmouseout event occurs in the column or simply when the user moves the mouse pointer away from the column.

The onmouseout attribute can also not be applied to header and footer cells.


20. onmouseover

The onmouseover attribute is of type string that is used to invoke the JavaScript method when the onmouseover event occurs in the column or simply when the user moves the pointer over the column.

The onmousedown attribute can also not be applied to header and footer cells.


21. onmouseup

The onmouseup attribute is of type string that is used to invoke the JavaScript method when the onmouseup event occurs in the column or simply when the user releases the mouse button.

The onmouseup attribute can also not be applied to header and footer cells.


22. rendered

The rendered attribute is of type Boolean that is used for specifying whether this component is rendered on the page or not. By default, its value is set to true.


23. rowspan

The rowspan attribute is of type string that is used to specify the number of rows that each cell of this column takes up in the table.


24. style

The style attribute is of type string that is used to specify the CSS that is applied to it. Inline CSS is used as a value for this attribute.

The style attribute will not be applied to the header and footer cells.


25. styleClass

The styleClass attribute is of type string that is used to specify the external CSS stylesheet applied to it to display the column.


26. title

The title attribute is of type string that is used to specify the text that will be displayed as a tooltip when the mouse hovers this component


27. value

The value attribute is of type string that is used to specify the text displayed in every cell of the column.


28. width

The width attribute is of type string used for specifying the width of the column in px or %.


The <apex: column> component has the following two Facets:

1. footer

It is one component that appears in the column's footer cell. We cannot use the column's footerValue attribute when using a footer facet.

2. Header

It is one component that appears in the column's header cell. We cannot use the column's headerValue attribute when using the header facet.

Let's take an example to understand how we can use the <apex: column> component inside the VF page:




apex: column component in Visualforce Page

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