Downgrade php 7.4 to 7.3 UbuntuIn this section, we will learn the downgrade of php version 7.4 to version 7.3 ubuntu. For this, we will use some commands which we have explained in the given an example. Using this command, we can also downgrade php version 7.3 to version 7.2 ubuntu, php version 7.2 to version 7.1 ubuntu, pho version 7.2 to version 7.0 ubuntu, ubuntu version 7.4 to version 7.3 php. Sometimes, many projects do not support the latest versions of the software. That's why we require downgrading the php new version to the old version. The latest version contains many features that are not required or supported in our project. Most of the websites which use server-side programming languages are also used PHP. A release life cycle is contained by the php, which means it releases the new version to provide improvements and push the things. The developers take time to develop their project on the basis of the PHP new version. This process includes those types of developers who develop plugins, themes, websites, etc. When we update the code, it requires time and effort. Except this, we are also required to ensure compatibility by performing penetration testing. The agencies or developers face many problems when the 3rd party application or clients refuse to pay the updating resources. PHP is under constant improvement and scrutiny. The minor and major changes are included in every new version. Before a few days, we worked on my php laravel project, and we update the version of our php 7.3 to 7.4 and our ubuntu 18.04. When we run that project, we have to face many errors with pdf packages. At that point, we have required to rolling back the version of our php to 7.3 for this project. For this, we want to install php version 7.3 again. After installing the older version, we will run the command, which is described as follows: After running this code, our system is able to downgrade php 7.4 to 7.3 ubuntu. Next Topic# |