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How to cite a website in MLA format

What is MLA

MLA (Modern Language Association) is an organization that focuses on language and literature management. The professor ask you to cite your resources in MLA style that depends on the subject area your class or research focuses on. The MLA format can be used for Literature, Language, Liberal arts, and other humanities subjects.

What is MLA Citing

MLA citation is the way of documenting the paper. When everyone sources and papers in the same way, it makes it easy for us to recognize and understand the types of sources that were used for a project. The citation will help the reader in understanding the work and also helps in exploring them as well.

It is needed to give credit to the author for original content, if we are borrowing information from a source and placing it in our research or assignment. You can use the MLA citation to do this depending on the type of information you are using.

What is MLA Format

There are different formats for books, websites, periodicals, and so on. We will use the Universal citation format allows us to spend less time trying to locate the proper format to document our sources, so we can focus more on our researches. In the website citation, the URL are now encouraged to be added. The real name of the author has been replaced by pseudonyms and usernames.

The following piece of information has been included in the MLA citing format:

Author's Last name, First name. "Title of Sources". Title of Container, other contributors, version, numbers, publisher, publication date, location.

Components of citation

Authors: The author's name is the first item in a citation and it is followed by a period. If our source has one author, place the last name first, add a comma, and then the first name.

MLA format:

If our source has two authors then we will place them in same order they're shown on the source. The first author will be placed in reverse order, add a comma and the word "add". After that, place the second author in Standard form.


If our source has three or more authors then we will only include the first listed author's name. Then, place the first author's name in reverse order place a comma afterwards and add the Latin phrase "et al"


Titles and Containers: Titles can be written in the capitalization form and follows the name of the author. In the case of full citation such as a book, movie, or a music album, then we place the title in italics. For Example - Franzen, Jonathan. The Corrections. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2001.

Rufus Du Sol. Bloom. Sweat It Out! 2016.

Citations for Websites

The basic format for the MLA website citation consists of the author name, page title, sponsor, website title, URL, and publishing date.



The author name was mentioned in the first with a command places after the last and a period after the first name. The name of the author(s) should not be abbreviated and should be written similarly written on the website.

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