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What is a Website

A collection of web pages and media over the internet is called a website. The website can be published on at least one web server and can be identified by a common domain name, for example -,,

What is a Website

All the websites that are accessible publicly come under the World Wide Web. There is a website that is accessed only on a private network. Most of the websites are dedicated to a particular topic or purpose, for example, education, news, commerce, entertainment, or Social networking. The websites start with a home page, which is followed by some navigation page that is linked by the Hyperlinking between the web pages.

History of Website

One of the British CERN physicist named Tim Berners-Lee created the WWW (World Wide Web) in 1990. It was free from 30 April 1993 by CERN. The gopher protocol and the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) were used before the introduction of the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). They only offer a simple directory structure, and the documents will be presented as a plain text file without any formatting.

Types of Website

What is a Website
Static Website Dynamic Website
The combination of web pages that are stored on a server in the same format that is sent to a client's web browser is a Static website. The static websites are initially coded in the HTML and CSS that are used to control the appearance beyond basic HTML. Using CSS, the images affect the desired appearance and the part of the content. It usually displays the same information to all its users. For Example - a printed paper that will not change. Such as a brochure website. A dynamic website is a collection of webpages that change or customizes itself automatically and frequently. The dynamic pages from the will be modified "on the fly" by the computer code. There is a wide range of internet software, such as CGI, Java Servlets and Java Server Pages, etc. A dynamic site displays the current state of a dialogue between users to provide any information in some way to the user's desired requirement. For Example - The code running on the webserver might combine with the stored HTML fragments with news stories retrieved from a database when we request a front page of any site.

Categories of Website

What is a Website

1. Blog: It is a type of website that provides information or in which posts are added regularly in reverse chronological order, latest post or entries on top of the main page, and old ones towards the bottom. A blog is usually owned by a single person or a small group of people. The content in a blog is written in an informal or conversational style and can be focused on one subject or a wide range of related subjects. Furthermore, the posts are organized into categories if required, e.g., posts that provide similar information can be kept in a separate category. The content of a blog is generally referred to as a blog post, and it generally appears as posts on a streaming page. The information is regularly updated in a blog, e.g., articles, photos, and videos are added daily to keep readers engaged and increase the traffic to the blog. It also allows readers to leave a comment about the posts.

What is a Website

2. E-commerce: These types of websites are like online shops where people can buy products through online payment from the comfort of their home, office, etc. Anyone who wants to sell products online can create an E-commerce site instead of investing in setting up a traditional brick-and-mortar shop.

What is a Website

3. Informational: These websites are created to provide free online information to users, e.g., tutorials, news, general knowledge-based sites. Today, you don't need to visit libraries to read a book, newspaper, novel, etc. owing to the presence of lots of informational sites.

What is a Website

4. Online Community: These sites offer a platform to interact and share ideas with others through the internet. You can find people with similar interests and backgrounds and interact with them to fulfill your objectives that may include promoting a product or service, taking feedback about your products, or asking questions related to a survey.

5. Social Media: These sites are created to provide users a platform where they can build their profiles with a lot of features such as creating a friend list, sending and accepting friend requests, sending messages, creating and joining groups, and share information with others users, comment on others' post, pictures, videos, etc.

What is a Website

6. Brochure: It is the simplest type of website which comprises few pages. It is used by small businesses to have a simple online presence or to provide an overview of their business. Such websites are generally static where the content does not change, i.e., the same information is displayed to all users.

What is a Website

7. Non-profit: The sites are created to raise money for social causes such as providing free medical treatment to poor, free primary education to children, free food to children to prevent malnutrition, etc.

What is a Website

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