PHP Multidimensional Array Search By ValueIn this section, we are going to learn multidimensional array search by using the value. We will use PHP to do this. If we don't know about the multidimensional array in PHP, this example will be very useful for us. In our below example, we will use value to search the key of a multidimensional array. If we want to get the value from a multidimensional array, we can easily do this by searching the key value in the array. In our example, we will use a simple array to explain this example. We are going to use two arrays named $students and $studentsAddress. In our $students array, we will use a foreach loop. In our $studentsAddress array, we also want to display the address too. But we face a problem because our example has a user_id key, which contains some records and the first array id. To solve this, we will use the array_column() and function of array_column. The simple code to search the value in multidimensional array is described as follows: The full example to search the value in a multidimensional array is described as follows: Example: Now our above code is ready, and we can run it. When we run this, the following output will be generated: Next TopicPHP urlencode() Function |