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Why do we need Interfaces in PHP?

The interface is another property of PHP that enables the developer to build a program without any complex methods. It inherits the same public method that a class holds. Due to these properties, an interface can define methods. Still, we cannot define the method in that particular interface, and we have to define the method inside the child class where we call the interface. Interfaces are also similar to classes, and the only difference is class is altered with an interface, and the methods do not have any content defined inside. We use interfaces in PHP.

A single class cannot implement two functions with the same method name as the compiler will return an error. Similarly, like traits, we can also use an interface to access multiple inheritances as a class can initiate multiple interfaces, which will eventually help in inheriting traits from multiple parent classes



very sweet !!!

In the above program, we have declared an interface fruit with a function taste() inside. We have declared a class mango and assigned the interface fruit to it; we have defined the function taste(). Finally, we have created an object all called our child class. Due to the interface, our child class mango can access the interface fruit and retrieve the function taste() from it

Uses of Interface

1) To inherit properties of the parent class

To implement an interface using class, we have to use the implement keyword and the expand keyword to assign the hierarchy of the parent class




this is the first class 
this is interface which is defined inside child class 
this is an inherited child class using an interface

In the above program, we have a parent class parentClass which contains a function parentFunction(), and we have an interface called firstInterface, which holds the function named interfaceFunction(). Still, we cannot define the declared function inside our created interface, and we have to define the declared function inside the child class. In the end, we have a child class with the name childClass with function childFunction() and inherited the function from the interface using the extends and implement property of PHP. Also, we have defined our interfaceFunction() in the child. And to access the classes and interface, we have created an object obj and invoked all the functions using the same object.

2) To inherit properties of multiple interfaces

To implement an interface using class, we have to use the implement keyword, and a single class can even implement more than one interface simultaneously



this is the first interface
this is the second interface
this is a child inherited from both interfaces

In the above program, we have declared two interfaces, first with the name firstInterface with function interfaceone() and second with name secondInterface with function onterfacetwo(). Still, we have only declared the interface functions and will define the same function in the child class. In the end, we have a child class with the name childClass with function childFunction() and inherited both the interfaces using the implements clause. Inside the function, we have given the definition of functions declared in interfaces. And to access the classes and interfaces, we have created an object with the name obj and called all the functions using the same object.

Importance of using Interfaces:

  • The interface provides the developer with a more structured format that is quite difficult to achieve with classes.
  • We can easily use the multiple inheritance property of OPPs in a single strand programming language like PHP using an interface.
  • By implementing an interface, the object's caller needs to care only about the object's interface, not implementations of the object's methods.
  • The interface allows unrelated classes to implement the same methods regardless of their positions in the class inheritance hierarchy.
  • We cannot implement multiple interfaces with the same method name as it will end up in confusion and method ambiguity.
  • We can easily make a hierarchy between two classes using the extend keyword.

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