Stig S. Bakken established the PEAR project in 1999 to advance the re-utilization of code that fills perform collective roles. the main motive of this extension is to give an organized library of code, keep a framework for conveying code and for handling code packages, and advance a basic coding style. Hypertext pre-processor extension and application repository is a storehouse of PHP programming code. The PEAR project has a PEAR Group, which fills in as the administering body and deals with authoritative errands. Every PEAR code bundle contains an autonomous task under the PEAR umbrella. It has its advancement group, forming control and documentation.

What are PEAR packages?

A PEAR package is appropriated as a gzipped tar record ( tar is software that is mainly used to collect multiple files inside a single archived file). Each file comprises source code written in PHP; Designers can promptly utilize numerous PEAR bundles as conventional third party code by using a simple include statement in PHP. Unlike the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN), PEAR bundles don't have verifiable conditions with the goal that a package's position in the PEAR bundle tree doesn't relate to code dependencies. Instead, PEARL declares all the directories on the package. To install PEAR, we can use the PEAR package manager, a default PHP package installer, which allows the user to use all the extra functionality provided by PEAR as an integrated part of PHP.

The PEAR base classes contain code that can replicate object-oriented programming, destructors and even error handling. PEAR also contains packages to perform fundamental PHP functions like authentication, caching, database access, encryption, configuration, HTML, XML and web services.

It is a structure and appropriation framework for reusable PHP parts. It expands PHP and gives all web designers a more elevated level of programming.

PEAR is separated into three distinct classes that include:

  • PEAR Core Components
  • PEAR Packages
  • PECL Packages

PEAR package manager

The PEAR package manager gives a normalized method for installing, uninstalling, or updating with new PEAR package or PECL augmentations. Before installing a package, it can also be commanded to install all the extra packages necessary to run the main package.

PEAR:2 or Pyrus

PYRUS was an initiative to update and develop PEAR from scratch to make it compatible with PHP 5.3 or newer. Pyrus can be utilized to install packages from PEAR, but it was later discontinued because of the growing demand for Composer.

PEAR and Composer

PHP composer is another alternative that allows the developer to manage PHP packages for the project, and in addition, composer allows us to install PEAR packages


PECL - stands for PHP extension community library, which is somewhat similar to PEAR and PECL Packages are also installed with a PEAR package manager. PECL contains C augmentations for aggregating into PHP. As C projects, PECL augmentations run more proficiently than PEAR packages. PECL incorporates modules for XML-parsing, access to more databases, mail-parsing, installing Perl or Python in PHP scripts and assembling PHP scripts. PECL turned off from the PEAR Project in October 2003. Initially, it was known as the PEAR Extension Code Library. However, it currently works freely of PEAR. PECL extensions are archived close by standard expansions inside the PHP Manual, so there are no uncommon PECL augmentations. Deeply in many of these cases, the PECL variants become unmaintained.

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