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PHP gmp_add() Function

The addition operation uses in the application without mathematical operators and functionalities. PHP has a built-in function called gmp_add() that uses for the addition of the two figures. Here, we can use positive and negative numbers using a simple function.


The following syntax shows the GMP addition's function.


  • The above syntax shows that this function uses two GMP numbers as input parameters.
  • This function uses two parameters as a resource and gives the output of the summation function.
  • The GMP function requires two parameters for summation operation. It does not work on more than and less than two values.

Return Value:

This function gives an added value or sum of the two numerical data. It is a numerical value displayed as an output.


The following examples show the addition of the GMP parameters.

Example1: the following example shows a basic addition function with value. The parameter uses positive data with simple values.


The following output shows the addition of the value.

PHP gmp_add() Function

Example2: the following example shows the summation of positive and negative values with value. The parameter uses one positive value and a second negative value with an additional function.


The following output shows the added value.

PHP gmp_add() Function

Example3: the following example shows a basic addition operation with negative values. The absolute function uses the sum of data to get the actual value.


The following output shows the added value.

PHP gmp_add() Function

Example4: the following example shows a basic addition function with value. The parameter uses variable values for the addition function.


The following output shows the summation value.

PHP gmp_add() Function


The addition function uses to add only two numbers using PHP GMP values. The function removes addition operations using operators and values.

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