PHP MySQL Select Query

PHP mysql_query() function is used to execute select query. Since PHP 5.5, mysql_query() function is deprecated. Now it is recommended to use one of the 2 alternatives.

  • mysqli_query()
  • PDO::__query()

There are two other MySQLi functions used in select query.

  • mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_result $result): returns number of rows.
  • mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_result $result): returns row as an associative array. Each key of the array represents the column name of the table. It return NULL if there are no more rows.

PHP MySQLi Select Query Example



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EMP ID :1 
EMP NAME : ratan 
EMP SALARY : 9000 
EMP ID :2 
EMP NAME : karan 
EMP SALARY : 40000 
EMP ID :3 
EMP NAME : jai 
EMP SALARY : 90000 

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