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Ikigai Summary

I had hoped that this book would go in-depth on the "how" of ikigai. The book serves more as an introduction to various topics, including yoga, flow, tai chi, logotherapy, longevity, and the Blue Zones. This book is ideal for folks who are unfamiliar with such subjects.

Ikigai Summary

Ikigai reflected on The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Héctor Garcia and Francesc Miralles as the topic of this post's book summary.

Quick Summary of the Ikigai

Ikigai Summary

As previously indicated, this book covers a wide range of "art of living"-related themes. To learn the secrets behind centenarians' and supercentenarians' long lives, the writers define ikigai and outline its guidelines. They also conducted a total of 100 interviews in Ogimi, Okinawa.

What features of Zen philosophy, Japanese cuisine, and artisans and engineers are shared? Simplicity and careful attention to detail. The writers of this book send you their best wishes for a long, fulfilling life.

Describe Ikigai

To write the Japanese word ikigai, you must combine the symbols for "life" and "to be worthwhile." 'The delight of always being active' is how it translates. ( I suppose they mean "busy" in the sense of having a whole life vs. a busy life.

You have a passion inside you, a particular skill that motivates you to give your all to the very end and provides purpose to your days. According to Viktor Frankl, your goal is to identify your ikigai if you still need to learn who wrote Man's Search for Meaning.

Although everyone has a unique ikigai, we have the commonality of looking for meaning. When we are connected to the things essential to us throughout the day, we live more fully; when that connection is broken, we feel grief.

We must diligently explore inside ourselves to locate our ikigai, buried deep. Our ikigai, which is why we wake up in the morning, according to Okinawans, is the island with the highest percentage of centenarians worldwide.

Your life will have significance after you identify your ikigai and work toward developing it every day. They may have several essential life goals. They have an ikigai, but they are not overly serious about it. They are at ease and have fun doing everything.

Everyone with a distinct ikigai pursues their passion regardless of the consequences, which is one thing they all have in common.

The Theme of the Ikigai

Ikigai Summary

The book's basic idea is that by understanding what our ikigai is, we may live longer, work harder, feel better, and have a greater sense of purpose in life.

The concept that everyone may readily locate their ikigai, regardless of where they live or where they are from, may be the book's most important message. Garcia and Miralles provide us with a thorough but captivating look at how we could locate and use our ikigai by illustrating their own experiences and studies.

The Four Ikigai Elements to Help You Find Yours

How, then, can you locate your ikigai? As to Garcia and Miralles, you need first determine the four essential components of ikigai

  • What you love is your passion: discovering an exciting and joyful activity.
  • What you're excellent at is your mission: realizing the importance of your passion.
  • The world needs a vocation: converting your hobby into a business.
  • You are succeeding in your career: Your vocation is the work you get paid for.

These four factors reveal your sense of meaning and purpose in life. They increase your motivation to attain your true happiness and fulfillment.

To find methods to match your interests, skills, and values with the world's needs, analyze your passions, abilities, and values. You'll learn what motivates you and significantly influences the world.

Remember that living according to your ikigai is a continuous effort. It takes a lot of self-discovery to find your ikigai. Additionally, ikigai is a lifelong practice that requires constant care and love. According to the book "Ikigai," we should consider what we enjoy doing, our areas of expertise, the needs of the world, and our potential earning potential.

We may give it our complete attention and interest once we have determined the activity that falls within the boundaries of those four factors. Then, we may follow a career that captures our interest, satisfies our interests, and enables us to lead a life we can be proud of.

The authors offer ways for creating goals and advice on finding a work-life balance, as well as exercises in gratitude and mindfulness to aid in identifying our ikigai. Additionally, they discuss the value of social relationships and the local community in establishing and maintaining ikigai.

Ikigai's Seven Lessons

Ikigai Summary

The book teaches us that to be fulfilled and have a feeling of direction and purpose in life; we should:

  • Take Life Slowly and Enjoy it: There is no justification for rushing through life, skipping on opportunities to appreciate each moment. Instead of delaying our enjoyment so that we might enjoy it later, we should embrace the present and savor its pleasures.
  • Do not Stop Working on Your Passion Project: It ceases to work when you find a daily activity you like. Even at 65, there's no need to quit. Your meaningful work may be something you have always done, something you have always wanted to do but has yet to have the opportunity to accomplish, or something you have recently learned. Being active is one of the best strategies to live a long life. According to studies, retiring might result in early death.
  • Never Overeat or Overfill Your Stomach: The Okinawans only eat until they are roughly 80% full, at which point they quit. It is known as "hara hachi bu." Science favors this practice since it helps people live longer by enhancing digestion and sleep. This eating habit also guards against overeating, a key contributor to diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
  • Laugh and Smile: The Okinawan people advise us to laugh and smile a lot since doing so reduces stress and boosts our spirits. They urge us to engage in pleasurable activities with our companions.
  • Spend Time with Individuals that Genuinely Care about You: Okinawans think that having excellent friends around them helps them live longer. It is supported by science, demonstrating that we are happy mainly because of our friends.
    They provide a safe space to express our thoughts and anxieties, support each other in our endeavors, and acknowledge our accomplishments. Additionally, having friends lessens emotions of overthinking and loneliness, two established risk factors for mental diseases like depression.
  • Dance and Exercise: The ikigai idea holds that maintaining physical health is required for living a fulfilling and long-lasting life. Okinawans are active people who frequently assemble to perform the local dance at night.

Ikigai's Historical Background

Ikigai is a compound word made up of the Japanese terms "iki" and "gai," which both signify "life" and "worth." They all pertain to the value, significance, and purpose of one's existence. A fundamental idea in Japanese philosophy is ikigai.

The Japanese learn ikigai as a vital component of their identity, strongly linked to their profession or vocation. They are surrounded by it, which has influenced their social and cultural conventions for a long time. They firmly believe that their ikigai is what makes them who they are.

To research the idea of ikigai, Hector Garcia, a former software engineer born in Spain but who spent more than 13 years in Japan, teamed up with Francesc Miralles, one of Spain's most charismatic contemporary novelists.

Advantages Of Ikigai

Ikigai Summary
  • Increased self-awareness, more significant mental health and well-being, better interpersonal interactions, and more fulfilling employment are advantages of using Ikigai.
  • Ikigai benefits both physical and mental health in a variety of ways. It shows us how to have a more contented, passionate, accurate, and happy existence.
  • According to the authors' research, those with a strong sense of ikigai tend to live longer, healthier lives with reduced stress levels and sadness. They also emphasize how ikigai serves in developing interpersonal relationships, creative expression, and general well-being.


In addition to providing helpful advice and inspiration to help us locate ours, the book "Ikigai" also includes several tales and experiences from people who have found their ikigai.

Garcia and Miralles assure us that locating our "ikigai" is not difficult or impossible. They also advise us to cultivate it after we have found it actively. They also advise us to cultivate it after we have found it actively.

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