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The Tables Turned Poem Summary class 10 English

The poet encourages his companion in the poem to put all of his books and the wisdom he believes he gains from them aside and takes in the beauty of nature, which William Wordsworth writes. He claims nature has the finest wisdom to impart because it is not preachy like the books he reads.

The Tables Turned Poem Summary class 10 English

Therefore, he should leave the house and spend time outside to appreciate and learn from nature's beauty. In contrast to literature, which is informative and dry, nature is something kind and soothing. Compared to literature, which breaks down all the lovely things to grasp their purpose and existence, nature will impart far more knowledge more calmly.

The poet advises his companion to turn away from the arts and sciences and turn to nature to comprehend the meaning and beauty of life.

About Poet

The Tables Turned Poem Summary class 10 English

A renowned English poet named William Wordsworth resided from 1770 to 1850. He was pivotal in preparing the way for the Romantic Age, a few of his well-known compositions.

Theme and Structure

The Tables Turned Poem Summary class 10 English

The topic of this poem is nature because it is Romantic poetry. In every line of the poem, the lead character praises nature as being a superior teacher to literature. This short lyric poetry comprises eight stanzas, each with four rhyming lines. 'Abab cdcd' and so on are the rhymes that are used.


The Tables Turned Poem Summary class 10 English

Stanza 1

Up! up! my ...... toil and trouble? The speaker advises the reader, whom he addresses as his "friend" in the opening line, to put the books down since they weigh one down and make one feel heavy. He urges readers to embrace positivity and allow go of all their "trouble."

Stanza 2

The sun, above ....... sweet evening yellow. The sun is mentioned explicitly in this stanza's lovely description of nature. From the top of the mountain, the protagonist explains how lovely the sunset is as it spreads across the lush fields.

Stanza 3

Books! 't is a dull ...... more of wisdom in it. This stanza immediately follows it. The poet describes books as "boring" in contrast to the beauty of nature. He again encourages the reader to let go of them and listen to the melody of a bird called a linnet since, in his opinion, it contains far more knowledge than books.

Stanza 4

And hark! how ...... be your teacher. The previous stanza's feelings are continued in the following stanza. The bird song does not contain "mean" preaching like that found in books. He advises the readers to learn from nature since it is a lot better instructor as an impact.

Stanza 5

She has a world ...... breathed by cheerfulness. "She," or nature, has a rich world to offer, and the reader, or humans, are the beneficiaries. After all, truth and wisdom may be learned through nature and her joy.

Stanza 6

One impulse from ...... all the sages can. Another emphasis depends on the notion that nature is a teacher. The character asserts that a forest is a better place to learn morality and ethics than sages, who have the most excellent depth of knowledge.

Stanza 7

Sweet is the lore which ...... We murder to dissect. According to the persona, we destroy nature's beauty while chasing academic intelligence, which destroys the precious treasures of nature.

Stanza 8

Enough of science ....... watches and receives. In the last stanza, the speaker takes a dominating tone, telling those listening to give up on the arts and sciences since all they will find in books and pages are "barren leaves." He intends to encourage the reader to interact with nature with an open mind and a willingness to see, hear, and acquire knowledge from it.


This poetry declares nature in a significant way. It explains how, if people are eager to learn from nature, it may be a more remarkable teacher than books and others.

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