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The Accidental Tourist Short Summary Class 11 English

The funny short tale "The Accidental Tourisast" by Bill Brysondescribes the frustration of an explorer as he deals with a disorder in his daily existence. The author is upbeat and amusing and doesn't mind pointing out his ignorance. This narrative also emphasizes his patience since he maintains his composure and does not lose it when he loses the chance to travel to Bali due to the airline's denial.

The Accidental Tourist Short Summary Class 11 English


The title implies that the narrative is about an accidental tourist who finds himself in awkward or embarrassing situations while on vacation. Reading the book reveals that the tourist, Bill Bryson, travels frequently but is always involved in an accident. He does not learn from his mistakes and continues to make them. He forgets to put his frequent flyer card where it belongs, spills drinks while reaching for one, leaves a large portion of his coat outside while closing the car door, smudges his light-colored trousers several times without realizing it, and a slew of other seemingly insignificant things are beyond his ability to handle without a smudge.

The title "The Accidental Tourist" is appropriate since it's funny to watch Bryson get into mishaps all the time, especially at a time when travel is so easy that it makes the globe feel tiny.

The Accidental Tourist Short Summary Class 11 English

Not A Good Living

The author confesses that he is not very adept at navigating the world. He discusses his difficulty and struggles in accomplishing simple chores that others easily undertake.

He visits the front desk several times to confirm his room number whenever he stays in a hotel. He has issues finding restrooms at movie theatres and has difficulty staying in a hotel. He admits to having a messy personality.

Trip to England

He continues telling one of his anecdotes about his family's Easter vacation to England when they were checking in at Logan Airport in Boston. He discovered he had joined British Airways' frequent flyer scheme, and the card was in the bag he wore around his neck. It was the start of his problems.

He writes how the bag's zip became trapped, leaving the author with little choice but to pull harder. Suddenly, the edge of the bag ripped open, scattering the contents all over the floor. It included his passport, a hundred pages of paperwork, English money, film, and a 14-ounce pipe tobacco tin.

He was worried about his tobacco and how much it would cost in England. He then discovers a gash on his finger due to his efforts to open the zip of his luggage. People around him became perplexed as a result of his bewilderment. Someone pulled his seat back once as he leaned to tie his shoelace. He was pinned to the floor after catching the leg of a man nearby.

Another Bad Experience of Him

Another horrible event was when he knocked soft drinks on a lady's lap not once but twice. His worst incident occurred on a plane ride while he was conversing with a lady seated in the adjacent seat. He was penning his thoughts with his pen in his mouth when the pen spilled, causing him to be embarrassed once more.

The Accidental Tourist Short Summary Class 11 English

The author did not receive frequent flyer miles since he misplaced his card. He needed to fly 100,000 miles yearly but could only collect 212 miles from 23 airlines. All of these misunderstandings were caused by his failure to request the flying miles. The airline did not always record these, and the clerk informed him he was not entitled to them.

When he wanted to go to Australia to collect a million miles, the airline clerk told him he couldn't since the ticket was in the name of B. Bryson, but the card was in the name of W. Bryson. The clerk refused even when I explained that Bill and William were barely distinguishable. Finally, the author did not get his Air miles.

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