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Spoken English and Broken English Full Text Summary

Spoken English and Broken English is a radio talk delivered in 1927 on a radio station in Manhattan. In this article, writer talks about the English language. His views and saying are not only limited to the English language but also implacable to all spoken languages. The author assumes that the listeners are his international students who want to speak clear English while visiting any foreign English-speaking country. He also assumes that the listeners can also be illiterate people living in backward areas who face difficulty cooperating with the world outside because of poor performance in English speaking. In this article, Shaw made efforts to explain what spoken English is. He also explained the role of ascent in English speaking.

Spoken English and Broken English Full Text Summary


In the first paragraph of this article, G B Shaw talks about the English language. He says that if you visit a foreign country, a thought will always be there: you must speak correct English there. But, keep in mind that no language could be spoken exactly and word to correct by each of its native speakers. Even British people also need help speaking correct English. The writer shares his views on a committee formed by BBC that wants to decide, "What is the correct English conversation?" This committee was set up to build standards of English speaking that an English speaker must follow. The members of this committee were highly educated and literate personalities came from different countries of the world. English spoken by these members can be considered correct and refined English. G B Shaw was one of its members. He said that the members present in the committee know the English language as much as ordinary people do. He says that even the committee members needed to be accurately speaking English. They were not even satisfied pronouncing "yes" and "No," Shaw says that how the members speak English is easily understandable. He concluded that this is the only most crucial feature of any language that it made possible to convey our message to the listener.

A language is successful when the listeners can easily understand it. The primary purpose of speaking any language is to convey the speaker's message to the listener. The author also says we cannot consider any random English conversation or pronunciation as the only correct and constant. The pronunciation of any language varies with the region of speaking. For example, the English we speak in India differs entirely from that in America. Several other factors are also responsible for the language's pronunciation change.

We cannot consider a single pronunciation correct and declare the rest incorrect or invalid. For example, we cannot say that this person speaks correct English. Instead, this person speaks good and attractive English. The presentation of words matters the most. Shaw says that no two natives speak the same way their language. But the fact is that one should speak more carefully while addressing the public as he speaks in his house or any informal place. Shaw does not suggest that we should speak carelessly in our homes. He gives an example of a way of talking with his wife. He says that he speaks with his wife in a manner as if he is speaking to a queen. In the same way, his wife speaks with him in a manner as if she is speaking to a king. He explained that it differs from the English we speak in front of everyone. We must define general English to be used only in some places. We speak informal English before our family, friends, and acquaintances. This English can also contain grammar errors which is a minor issue.

Similarly, we speak English formally when we are giving interviews or a presentation; at that place, grammar and ascent of speaking matter to an extent. We should care about our speaking, especially the words we use there. Overall, the ascent of speaking varies with the place of speaking. Shaw explained why a foreigner should refrain from speaking correct English. He claims that 90 % of the people in England need to speak correct English. So, when a foreigner speaks correct or presentable English in front of them, they cannot understand. More a foreigner speaks correct English, and the native cannot understand it. Therefore, a foreigner must speak in his ascent but not speak correct English. Poet also says a foreigner should speak broken English whenever he visits another region. Broken English, referred to here, is English that contains no grammar.

He suggests that they need to speak English with correct grammar. If any foreigner tries to speak correct English with correct grammar, the native will catch him as he could change his ascent even after trying his best. Ascent comes from within, from the practice that cannot be developed manually and immediately. But, being a foreigner, if you speak correct grammar, you will decrease your chance of being helped by yourself. Overall, the poet suggests not speaking correct and clear English because if you do so, then people feel that you are a boastful person and showing off your speaking skills. This will create a negative sense in them towards themselves. The speaker in this article provokes the concept of presentable and easy-to-understand English speaking. He categorizes the community of English speakers into two distinct parts, one who speaks English from their childhood, that is, they are the natives of that region, and the other is the learners of the English language. A native speaker behaves presentably in front of a non-native speaker. By listening to broken English from the foreigner, he tried to help him. This can be highlighted as a benefit of broken English.

Difference Between Spoken English and Broken English

Spoken English and Broken English are two different forms of the English language that differ in their usage and linguistic characteristics. Spoken English is the informal and natural way of communicating in English, commonly used in everyday conversations. A relaxed tone, short phrases, and varying grammar patterns Characterize it. The native speakers use spoken English.

On the other hand, Broken English is also known as "pidgin" or "non-standard." English is a simplified form that arises when English is used as a second language or as a communication between individuals with different native tongues. Broken English often lacks proper grammar and syntax and may incorporate elements from the speakers' native languages. Foreigners often speak broken English as they are new in the region, so they cannot speak fluent and word-to-word correct English. For example, the English a foreigner speaks differs significantly from the English we speak locally. The pronunciation of words can be different, the way of speaking can be different, and even fluency shows a significant distinction in the language.

About the Poet

George Bernard Shaw was not only a writer but also an Irish thinker, funny dramatist, and political activist. He had also written some poems and plays in the English language. He was born on 26th July 1856 in Dublin, Ireland, and belonged to a lower-middle-class family. He died on 2nd November 1950 in Avot St. Lawrence, Hertfordshire, England. He was very famous for his public talks. Most of the public was very inspired by his thinking and views. George Bernard Shaw was a prominent playwright and critic. He was known for his keen observations and satirical commentary on language and society. He was the world's most famous prolific writer of his time. His father was a corn merchant who had failed in his business, and his mother was a professional singer.


George Bernard Shaw's main aim in delivering this speech was to break down the complex misunderstandings of English speaking. Through this speech, the speaker wants to clarify that speaking English is essential and that speaking correct English is unnecessary. He has explained through practical examples of him and his wife that the ascent of speaking varies with the place of speaking. Shaw speaks a different style of English when he is with his wife, and he changes his English while attending committee meetings. The speaker also clarified the difference between spoken English and broken English in a detailed manner. He said that spoken English is what we speak in our day-to-day life. Broken English is s type of English that can include grammar errors. Spoken English has some standards to follow while speaking, like which part of speech will come before and which will come after. Broken English does not have any standards that should be followed while speaking.

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