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In the Kingdoms of Fools Summary Class 9 English

The Theme of The Kingdom of Fools

The subject of the story is how unpredictable and dangerous ignorant people can be. So, even if they temporarily provide benefits, one should avoid them. The student disregarded his wise guru's advice and remained in the Kingdom of Fools since everything was available for one duddu a piece. The student would have been forced to pay for this temptation with his life if the guru had not come back to save him.

In the Kingdoms of Fools Summary Class 9 English


The famous Kannada folktale "In the Kingdom of Fools" was taken from "Folk Tales from India" by A.K. Ramanujan. This intriguing tale is set in a country that was controlled by an idiotic monarch and his equally idiotic officials. The residents of the kingdom were instructed by him and his ministers to regard day and night equally. They would sleep all day and then work late into the evening.

One glorious day, a guru and his student came to the kingdom, and they were startled to see the opposing laws that the king and his ministers had put in place. When they realized that everything in the kingdom was one rupee, they were astounded. However, the guru saw that staying in a kingdom of fools was not a wise decision, so he left. His learner did not wish to travel because the food was inexpensive and easily accessible in the kingdom.

He ate a lot and soon put on weight since he was a gourmet. The home of a wealthy businessman was broken into one day by a thief. He broke a sizable hole in the wall and entered covertly. He was returning with the stolen goods when the house's wall fell on top of him, instantly killing him. He was going home with the stolen items when a wall of the house collapsed on top of him, killing him immediately. The thief's brother, nevertheless, went to the king and pleaded with him to punish the merchant (homeowner) for failing to build a sturdy wall.

The merchant received an immediate invitation to the king's court. The merchant said that the bricklayer constructed a flimsy wall when he arrived. The dancing girl, who spent the entire day pacing back and forth down that street while donning jingling anklets, was summoned to the king's court and urged the monarch to punish the monarch for keeping him from his job.

The dancing girl, who was now old, accused the goldsmith of being to fault. He forced her to repeatedly go up and down that street while delaying his job. The goldsmith was soon summoned before the king, who claimed that he was occupied at the time due to family wedding ceremonies catering to the orders of a wealthy merchant.

In the Kingdoms of Fools Summary Class 9 English

The execution was to start over with a new stake. The merchant, however, was far too frail to fit the stake for the execution. The monarch thus gave him the directive to look for a big guy to suit the stake. The king's attendants searched the whole kingdom, and the disciple was the most suitable candidate for the stake. But since he was not guilty he implored the king not to punish him for the misdeeds of others. Since it was an empire of idiots, hardly one paid attention to him.

Then, remembering his guru's counsel while awaiting death, the pupil sought for help. His guru, endowed with magical abilities, was able to observe his disciple's state in his vision. He came right away to save his apprentice. The monarch sought to settle the dispute since he was unsure of who should perish first. He was dubiously informed by the guru that the future monarch of that kingdom will be born of the first person to perish on the stake.

The person who passed away next would take over as the kingdom's top minister. The king was confused, and he was afraid that someone else would succeed in his reign in the hereafter. He finally determined that they should be burnt at the stake so that they may continue to rule as the king and minister in the hereafter after consulting with the minister. That nightfall, they broke into the jail and liberated the guru and his pupil.

The monarch and his minister, who had assumed the identities of the guru and his follower, were put to death the following morning. When the residents of the empire saw the king and his ministers being put to death, they chose the guru and his disciple to be their king and minister, respectively. After some hesitation, the guru finally relented and altered the kingdom's rules, enabling its residents to continue leading regular lives as in other kingdoms.


The chapter In the Kingdom of Fools serves as an example of why we should avoid fools since doing so might cause us to suffer or get into difficulties. Aside from that, wisdom rather than reasoning should be used to deal with dumb individuals. The CBSE Class 9 English Moments Prose Summary of In the Kingdom of Fools is provided here to help young students have a thorough understanding of the chapter.

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