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The Heart of a Tree Summary

The poem The Heart of the Tree was written by an American poet and novelist, Henry Cuyler Bunner. It was officially published in the year 1912. This poem describes the benefits of planting trees and concludes that our existence is only possible because of trees. If we have a future, then it would be green. This poem is written beautifully and uniquely. The poet first asked a question and answered it in all three stanzas.

The Heart of a Tree Summary


The poet begins the poem by asking: [What does he plant, who plants a tree?]. The poet answers that the man planting a tree is a friend of the sun and sky. The reason behind saying the Tree is the friend of the sun and sky is that the trees make the air pure by trapping dust and smoke. It also reduces the carbon dioxide concentration in the air and makes it more oxygen-rich. The trees also reduce the earth's temperature because they help in the rain by regulating the water cycle. The Tree, air, and sun are interdependent because the Tree makes the air pure, and air and water are required for photosynthesis.

In this way, the poet beautifully personifies the Tree as a friend of the sun and atmosphere. In the given line, he said that a man plants a flag when he plants a tree, which moves freely with air. The poet compared the Tree with a flag that stands straight even in unfavorable weather, and he termed its ranches and left a flag that swings freely with the air. The poet compared the Tree and the flag very beautifully. The poet believed that a man not only plants a tree but he plants a home for the flying birds. The Tree is like a resident for several birds. It provides shelter and food for many homeless birds. Where the sound of birds chirping with joy can be heard, and this scenario seemed to be heaven on this earth. These birds are homeless and cannot make their nests without trees. The poet very beautifully and creatively creates fantastic imagery. He made birds alive in the poem through his beautiful words.

The poet repeated the same question and answered it in his own words. He said in the summer season, the trees provide excellent shade where we can relax our minds and body, and not only humans but animals can also take a rest in this fantastic area. This cool shade of the Tree makes us happy and helps refresh our minds. The trees are also responsible for rain. It has an accountable role in the water cycle process by ensuring rain at its seasonal time. Henry also mentioned the reproduction of new trees from the old ones. He said a fully grown tree produces more seeds and buds after a particular interval. Those seeds turned into small plants and then big trees.

In this way, a man grows several trees together. By the time these trees combined and turned into a big denser forest to provide food and shelter to thousands of creatures. In this way, a man, by planting a tree now, is the man who plants a forest's heritage. The poet said that in plain areas, grass spreads quietly and gives a dashing view to the area. The trees standing between the denser grass give a dashing look to the scenery. It increases its beauty, which is why the poet termed the trees "the glory of plains." Good deeds of the past pay for the future. In the following line, the poet describes that planting a tree today will give you fruit tomorrow. This will ensure food security and the availability of enough resources to utilize. This means our future generations can utilize its resources like wood, rubber, paper, gum, medicine, fruits, etc., and get delighted to have a beautiful and resourceful planet. Hence, to ensure better food security in the future, we must ensure the plantation of more and more trees today so that they can help us in the future.

The message over here that the poet wants to give is that one who plants a tree does good for the entire living world. The poet also mentioned a statement that 'the joy that unborn eyes shall see; these things he plants who plants a tree.' The poet describes the forest heritage as the harvest of the future generation, so the trees serve as the living legacy for the next generations. Therefore, it provides a connection between us and our children.

In the last lines, the poet explains that the tree plantation represents the love and loyalty towards mother earth and his feeling of responsibility. Because the Tree is all-embracing. The Tree provides shelter to all living creatures without discriminating against anyone regarding size and position. Planting a tree does a civil good, so good values of love and loyalty are planted along with the plantation of the Tree. By planting a tree, the man registers his name in the list of persons contributing to the country's growth. Because trees provide so many benefits to the world, nations will progress if the environment is green. Trees are the source of survival for all living species. If there were the complete absence of the Tree, then the change of season would not have been possible. Global warming, the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, and an increase in the sea level all these problems are directly or indirectly related to deforestation. So, therefore, planting a tree means maintaining the ecosystem; it has social-ecological and economic benefits. The Tree is a metaphor for beauty, calm, peace, prosperity, and harmony. When the Tree is planted, it sets the nation's progress from sea to sea in motion. And all these start from the positive feelings in the man's heart who plants a tree. So, a tree sets to possess a benevolent heart. So, a nation that is planting more trees will, of course, be a nation of prosperity. So, a prosperous nation will have a rich forest heritage.

Title Justification

The poem's title, 'The Heart of the Tree,' is correctly chosen. Hence, the poet personified the Tree by saying, 'the heart of the tree.' It possesses a benevolent heart as it provides shelter, oxygen, fruits, medicines, wood, etc., for our daily consumption and makes the survival of the living world possible. These are the multitudes of benefits the Tree provides, so that is why the Tree is said to have a kind heart. Therefore, the title 'the heart of the Tree' is perfectly justified. Henry Cuyler Bunner's "The Heart of a Tree" ends with an inspirational message about the importance of trees in nature and the wonder of life. The poem honors the act of planting a tree and makes the case that it is a significant action that may be highly beneficial to both people and society to a great extent.


In the poem, Henry Cuyler Bunner inspires readers to promote the growth of more and more trees in their surroundings. He also discussed several direct and indirect benefits of trees to the environment and human population. Trees play a significant role in promoting sustainable development, as planting more trees will reduce air pollution to a great extent. The poet says that when someone plants a tree, they are not just putting a seed in the ground but also planting a seed of love, loyalty, and civic responsibility. The Tree becomes a symbol of their commitment to their community and country, and its growth represents the growth and prosperity of the nation. The poem also explains that planting a tree involves thinking about the present and the future. Long after the person who planted it, the Tree will continue to grow and flourish, and its development will serve as a tribute to its vision and dedication to the future.

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