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Short Summary of the 3 Ls of Empowerment


In any community, the emancipation and empowerment of women is essential. While we have made some progress in our nation, we still have a long way to go.

This lecture discusses the conditions for women's empowerment.

Learning, Labour, and Leadership

Women still need to contribute more. Women in certain countries don't get equal opportunities, which significantly negatively impacts per capita income. Although they account for almost half of the world's economic activity, they make up only half of its population. A concerted effort to open doors of opportunity through what is known as the "3 L's" of women's empowerment: learning, labor and leading are needed to change this picture.

Short Summary of the 3 Ls of Empowerment

Education must serve as the cornerstone of any revolution. Learning allows women to take care of themselves and escape the restrictions of social marginalization. Work enables women to thrive and realize their full potential.

When women enter the workforce, they are frequently held back in roles with low status, poor status, and low security. Although they account for almost half of the world's economic activity, they make up only half of its population. Changing this picture requires a concerted effort to open doors of opportunity through what is known as the "3 L's" of women's empowerment: learning, labor and leading.

It boils down to legal changes such as ensuring non-discrimination against women in property and inheritance laws. When empowered to exercise leadership, women flourish and achieve their true talents and potential.

Women are more likely to make decisions based on harmony, inclusion, compassion and long-term sustainable development. They sometimes need more confidence to match their abilities. However, women need to change their perspective and rewrite the story in their favour.


Women should come forward to "dare the difference" and take risks outside of their comfort zones. A world where all women can reach their full potential without barriers or prejudice is long overdue and the world will benefit from it. We get there with the three Ls. The difference comes when we dare to be different.

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