Join command in SolidWorks

You can combine two or more parts in an assembly to make a new part. The join process unifies the part bodies into a single solid volume and eliminates surfaces that protrude into one another's space.

Joining pieces:

  1. Make the pieces you wish to connect, and then make an assembly with those parts inside.
  2. Assembling the pieces in the proper order. The components might either contact or encroach on one another.
    Join command in SolidWorks
  3. Close the window but leave the assembly open.
    Join command in SolidWorks
  4. Add a new component to the assembly:
    1. Either select Insert > Component > New Part or select New Part from the Assembly toolbar.
    2. On a component, click a plane or planar face.
      A drawing appears on the chosen plane in the new portion.
  5. Snap the drawing shut. You do not require the drawing because you are making a linked portion.
  6. Rename the new part by selecting Rename Part from the context menu when you right-click its name in the Feature Manager design tree.
  7. Insert > Features > Join can be selected.
  8. Use the Join Property Manager to configure parameters and make decisions.
  9. To build the linked portion, click.
  10. Right-click the assembly's name in the Feature Manager design tree, or right-click anywhere in the graphics area, and choose Edit Assembly: assembly name>, or pick Edit Component from the Assembly toolbar to return to editing the assembly.

The Feature Manager Design Tree displays the new component Part1 for users to see. The component includes the Join1 functionality.

How to utilize SOLIDWORKS' join command

If you are familiar with SOLIDWORKS' combine command, you are probably used to connecting separate components into a single part or a solid body. But have you ever utilized SOLIDWORKS' join command?

You may combine two or more separate parts into one component using SOLIDWORKS' join function. The connect command can only be used while changing a part in an assembly, as opposed to the combine command, which may be used to create a component with two or more solid bodies.

The graphic below demonstrates that a section of join is disabled:

Join command in SolidWorks

The joint command button is hidden on the command manager by default in SOLIDWORKS. It may be turned on by adjusting your settings as follows:

  1. Click Customize after performing a right-click anywhere in the command manager.
  2. Click features and search for the join command under the commands tab.
  3. Drag and drop it into the command manager at any location.

Now that the join command is operational, you may utilize it by performing the following simple actions:

  1. From the drop-down list of insert components, select new part.
  2. A portion with an automatically named name may be found in the feature management design tree (you can save it externally or internally after you save the assembly). Rename section by selecting it with the right click.
  3. Once more right-click it and select modify portion.
  4. Choose the components and click the check icon to construct the new part after seeing that the connect command button is active.
  5. By selecting edit component from the command manager's menu or by clicking the symbol in the top-right corner, you may switch between editing a part, a subassembly, and the main assembly.

With the linked pieces, you now have your new part. By default, the linked pieces will be concealed, leaving only the new section visible. The join feature is identified as join1 if you extend the new portion from the design tree:

Keep in mind that the replacement part is completely interchangeable with the original parts and assembly.


There are a tone of features and instructions in SOLIDWORKS. I was exposed to the assembly feature CONNECT Components while working on a presentation that a coworker had made.

While in assembly mode, JOIN is utilized. A new part can be made by joining two or more existing ones. The JOIN procedure unifies the component bodies into a single solid volume and eliminates surfaces that overlap each other's space.

If you're designing and decide to have one part rather than two, this capability can be useful. This prevents you from having to recreate the component by combining them.

How to Make a Joined Part

An assembly with a knob and knob back plate is seen here. It was determined during design to make the knob and rear plate out of a single piece rather than two.

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