MAKE_SET Function in SQLThe MAKE_SET string function in Structured Query Language returns the value of the given bit from the set of multiple values. Syntax of MAKE_SET String FunctionIn SQL, we can use the MAKE_SET function with the columns of the table, strings, and characters. Syntax 1: In this syntax, we used the MAKE_SET function with the existing table of SQL. Here, we have to define the name and columns of that table on which we want to perform MAKE_SET function. Syntax 2: In this syntax, we used the MAKE_SET function with list of strings. Syntax 3: In this syntax, we used the MAKE_SET function with list of characters. Examples of MAKE_SET String functionExample 1: The following query uses the MAKE_SET function with the list of strings: Output:
Example 2: The following query searches the string at 1st and 4th bit: Output:
Example 3: The following query shows the value at second bit from the given set: Output:
Example 4: The following query shows the value at second and fourth bit from the given set: Output:
Example 5: This example uses the MAKE_SET function with the table in Structured Query Language. In this fourth example, we will create the new table through which we will perform the MAKE_SET function with table values: The following block shows the syntax to create the new table in SQL: The following CREATE statement creates the Fresher_Marks table: The below INSERT queries insert the records of freshers with marks and details in the Fresher_Marks table: The following SELECT statement displays the inserted records of the above Fresher_Marks table:
Query 1: The following SELECT query uses the MAKE_SET function with the First_Name, Middle_Name, Last_Name columns of the above Fresher_Marks table: This query shows the value of Middle name of each fresher from the above table. Output:
Query 2: The following SELECT query uses the MAKE_SET function with the Aptitude_Marks, Reasoning_Marks, and Technical_Marks column of those Students whose Fresher_ID is greater than 502 in the above Fresher_Marks table: Output:
Query 3: The following SELECT query uses the MAKE_SET function with the First_Name, Middle_Name, Last_Name columns of the above Fresher_Marks table: This query shows the value of Middle name of each fresher from the above table. Output:
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