SQL OperatorsEvery database administrator and user uses SQL queries for manipulating and accessing the data of database tables and views. The manipulation and retrieving of the data are performed with the help of reserved words and characters, which are used to perform arithmetic operations, logical operations, comparison operations, compound operations, etc. What is SQL Operator?The SQL reserved words and characters are called operators, which are used with a WHERE clause in a SQL query. In SQL, an operator can either be a unary or binary operator. The unary operator uses only one operand for performing the unary operation, whereas the binary operator uses two operands for performing the binary operation. Syntax of Unary SQL Operator Syntax of Unary SQL Operator Note: SQL operators are used for filtering the table's data by a specific condition in the SQL statement.What is the Precedence of SQL Operator?The precedence of SQL operators is the sequence in which the SQL evaluates the different operators in the same expression. Structured Query Language evaluates those operators first, which have high precedence. In the following table, the operators at the top have high precedence, and the operators that appear at the bottom have low precedence.
For Example, In the above SQL example, salary is assigned 5, not 85, because the * (Multiplication) Operator has higher precedence than the - (subtraction) operator, so it first gets multiplied with 3*5 and then subtracts from 20. Types of OperatorSQL operators are categorized in the following categories:
Let's discuss each operator with their types. SQL Arithmetic OperatorsThe Arithmetic Operators perform the mathematical operation on the numerical data of the SQL tables. These operators perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations on the numerical operands. Following are the various arithmetic operators performed on the SQL data:
SQL Addition Operator (+)The Addition Operator in SQL performs the addition on the numerical data of the database table. In SQL, we can easily add the numerical values of two columns of the same table by specifying both the column names as the first and second operand. We can also add the numbers to the existing numbers of the specific column. Syntax of SQL Addition Operator: Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute Addition Operator in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has four columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Emp_Salary, and Emp_Monthlybonus.
In this query, we have performed the SQL addition operation on the single column of the given table.
In this query, we have added two columns with each other of the above table. SQL Subtraction Operator (-)The Subtraction Operator in SQL performs the subtraction on the numerical data of the database table. In SQL, we can easily subtract the numerical values of two columns of the same table by specifying both the column names as the first and second operand. We can also subtract the number from the existing number of the specific table column. Syntax of SQL Subtraction Operator: Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute Subtraction Operator in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has four columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Emp_Salary, and Emp_Monthlybonus.
In this query, we have performed the SQL subtraction operation on the single column of the given table.
SQL Multiplication Operator (*)The Multiplication Operator in SQL performs the Multiplication on the numerical data of the database table. In SQL, we can easily multiply the numerical values of two columns of the same table by specifying both the column names as the first and second operand. Syntax of SQL Multiplication Operator: Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute Multiplication Operator in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has four columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Emp_Salary, and Emp_Monthlybonus.
In this query, we have performed the SQL multiplication operation on the single column of the given table.
In this query, we have multiplied the values of two columns by using the WHERE clause. SQL Division Operator (/)The Division Operator in SQL divides the operand on the left side by the operand on the right side. Syntax of SQL Division Operator: In SQL, we can also divide the numerical values of one column by another column of the same table by specifying both column names as the first and second operand. We can also perform the division operation on the stored numbers in the column of the SQL table. Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute Division Operator in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has three columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, and Emp_Salary.
In this query, we have performed the SQL division operation on the single column of the given table. SQL Modulus Operator (%)The Modulus Operator in SQL provides the remainder when the operand on the left side is divided by the operand on the right side. Syntax of SQL Modulus Operator: Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute Modulus Operator in SQL query: This example consists of a Division table, which has three columns Number, First_operand, and Second_operand.
SQL Comparison OperatorsThe Comparison Operators in SQL compare two different data of SQL table and check whether they are the same, greater, and lesser. The SQL comparison operators are used with the WHERE clause in the SQL queries Following are the various comparison operators which are performed on the data stored in the SQL database tables:
SQL Equal Operator (=)This operator is highly used in SQL queries. The Equal Operator in SQL shows only data that matches the specified value in the query. This operator returns TRUE records from the database table if the value of both operands specified in the query is matched. Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute Equal Operator in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has three columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, and Emp_Salary.
In this example, we used the SQL equal operator with WHERE clause for getting the records of those employees whose salary is 30000. SQL Equal Not Operator (!=)The Equal Not Operator in SQL shows only those data that do not match the query's specified value. This operator returns those records or rows from the database views and tables if the value of both operands specified in the query is not matched with each other. Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute Equal Not Operator in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has three columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, and Emp_Salary.
In this example, we used the SQL equal not operator with WHERE clause for getting the records of those employees whose salary is not 45000. SQL Greater Than Operator (>)The Greater Than Operator in SQL shows only those data which are greater than the value of the right-hand operand. Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute Greater ThanOperator (>) in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has three columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, and Emp_Salary.
Here, SQL greater than operator displays the records of those employees from the above table whose Employee Id is greater than 202. SQL Greater Than Equals to Operator (>=)The Greater Than Equals to Operator in SQL shows those data from the table which are greater than and equal to the value of the right-hand operand. Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute greater than equals to the operator (>=) in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has three columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, and Emp_Salary.
Here,'SQL greater than equals to operator' with WHERE clause displays the rows of those employees from the table whose Employee Id is greater than and equals to 202. SQL Less Than Operator (<)The Less Than Operator in SQL shows only those data from the database tables which are less than the value of the right-side operand. This comparison operator checks that the left side operand is lesser than the right side operand. If the condition becomes true, then this operator in SQL displays the data which is less than the value of the right-side operand. Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute less than operator (<) in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has three columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, and Emp_Salary.
Here,SQL less than operator with WHERE clause displays the records of those employees from the above table whose Employee Id is less than 204. SQL Less Than Equals to Operator (<=)The Less Than Equals to Operator in SQL shows those data from the table which are lesser and equal to the value of the right-side operand. This comparison operator checks that the left side operand is lesser and equal to the right side operand. Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute less than equals to the operator (<=) in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has three columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, and Emp_Salary.
Here, SQL less than equals to the operator with WHERE clause displays the rows of those employees from the table whose Employee Id is less than and equals 202. SQL Logical OperatorsThe Logical Operators in SQL perform the Boolean operations, which give two results True and False. These operators provide True value if both operands match the logical condition. Following are the various logical operators which are performed on the data stored in the SQL database tables:
SQL ALL OperatorThe ALL operator in SQL compares the specified value to all the values of a column from the sub-query in the SQL database. This operator is always used with the following statement:
Syntax of ALL operator: Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute ALL logical operators in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has three columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Emp_Salary, and Emp_City.
Here, we used the SQL ALL operator with greater than the operator. SQL AND OperatorThe AND operator in SQL would show the record from the database table if all the conditions separated by the AND operator evaluated to True. It is also known as the conjunctive operator and is used with the WHERE clause. Syntax of AND operator: Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute AND logical operator in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has three columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Emp_Salary, and Emp_City.
SQL OR OperatorThe OR operator in SQL shows the record from the table if any of the conditions separated by the OR operator evaluates to True. It is also known as the conjunctive operator and is used with the WHERE clause. Syntax of OR operator: Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute OR logical operator in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has three columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Emp_Salary, and Emp_City.
Here, SQL OR operator with WHERE clause shows the record of employees whose salary is 25000 or the city is Delhi. SQL BETWEEN OperatorThe BETWEEN operator in SQL shows the record within the range mentioned in the SQL query. This operator operates on the numbers, characters, and date/time operands. If there is no value in the given range, then this operator shows NULL value. Syntax of BETWEEN operator: Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute BETWEEN logical operator in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has three columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Emp_Salary, and Emp_City.
Here, we used the SQL BETWEEN operator with the Emp_Salary field. SQL IN OperatorThe IN operator in SQL allows database users to specify two or more values in a WHERE clause. This logical operator minimizes the requirement of multiple OR conditions. This operator makes the query easier to learn and understand. This operator returns those rows whose values match with any value of the given list. Syntax of IN operator: Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute IN logical operator in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has three columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Emp_Salary, and Emp_City.
Here, we used the SQL IN operator with the Emp_Id column.
Here, we used the SQL NOT IN operator with the Emp_Id column. SQL NOT OperatorThe NOT operator in SQL shows the record from the table if the condition evaluates to false. It is always used with the WHERE clause. Syntax of NOT operator: Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute NOT logical operator in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has four columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Emp_Salary, and Emp_City.
In this example, we used the SQL NOT operator with the Emp_City column.
In this example, we used the SQL NOT operator with the Emp_City column. SQL ANY OperatorThe ANY operator in SQL shows the records when any of the values returned by the sub-query meet the condition. The ANY logical operator must match at least one record in the inner query and must be preceded by any SQL comparison operator. Syntax of ANY operator: SQL LIKE OperatorThe LIKE operator in SQL shows those records from the table which match with the given pattern specified in the sub-query. The percentage (%) sign is a wildcard which is used in conjunction with this logical operator. This operator is used in the WHERE clause with the following three statements:
Syntax of LIKE operator: Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute LIKE logical operator in SQL query: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has four columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Emp_Salary, and Emp_City.
In this example, we used the SQL LIKE operator with Emp_Name column because we want to access the record of those employees whose name starts with s.
SQL Set OperatorsThe Set Operators in SQL combine a similar type of data from two or more SQL database tables. It mixes the result, which is extracted from two or more SQL queries, into a single result. Set operators combine more than one select statement in a single query and return a specific result set. Following are the various set operators which are performed on the similar data stored in the two SQL database tables:
SQL Union OperatorThe SQL Union Operator combines the result of two or more SELECT statements and provides the single output. The data type and the number of columns must be the same for each SELECT statement used with the UNION operator. This operator does not show the duplicate records in the output table. Syntax of UNION Set operator: Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute Union operator in Structured Query Language: In this example, we used two tables. Both tables have four columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Emp_Salary, and Emp_City.
Table: Employee_details1
Table: Employee_details2
SQL Union ALL OperatorThe SQL Union Operator is the same as the UNION operator, but the only difference is that it also shows the same record. Syntax of UNION ALL Set operator: Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute Union ALL operator in Structured Query Language: In this example, we used two tables. Both tables have four columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Emp_Salary, and Emp_City.
Table: Employee_details1
Table: Employee_details2
SQL Intersect OperatorThe SQL Intersect Operator shows the common record from two or more SELECT statements. The data type and the number of columns must be the same for each SELECT statement used with the INTERSECT operator. Syntax of INTERSECT Set operator: Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute INTERSECT operator in Structured Query Language: In this example, we used two tables. Both tables have four columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Emp_Salary, and Emp_City.
Table: Employee_details1
Table: Employee_details2 Suppose, we want to see a common record of the employee from both the tables in a single output. For this, we have to write the following query in SQL: SQL Minus OperatorThe SQL Minus Operator combines the result of two or more SELECT statements and shows only the results from the first data set. Syntax of MINUS operator: Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute INTERSECT operator in Structured Query Language: In this example, we used two tables. Both tables have four columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Emp_Salary, and Emp_City.
Table: Employee_details1
Table: Employee_details2 Suppose, we want to see the name of employees from the first result set after the combination of both tables. For this, we have to write the following query in SQL: SQL Unary OperatorsThe Unary Operators in SQL perform the unary operations on the single data of the SQL table, i.e., these operators operate only on one operand. These types of operators can be easily operated on the numeric data value of the SQL table. Following are the various unary operators which are performed on the numeric data stored in the SQL table:
SQL Unary Positive OperatorThe SQL Positive (+) operator makes the numeric value of the SQL table positive. Syntax of Unary Positive Operator Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute a Positive unary operator on the data of SQL table: This example consists of anEmployee_details table, which has four columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Emp_Salary, and Emp_City.
SQL Unary Negative OperatorThe SQL Negative (-) operator makes the numeric value of the SQL table negative. Syntax of Unary Negative Operator Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute Negative unary operator on the data of SQL table: This example consists of an Employee_details table, which has four columns Emp_Id, Emp_Name, Emp_Salary, and Emp_City.
SQL Bitwise NOT OperatorThe SQL Bitwise NOT operator provides the one's complement of the single numeric operand. This operator turns each bit of numeric value. If the bit of any numerical value is 001100, then this operator turns these bits into 110011. Syntax of Bitwise NOT Operator Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute the Bitwise NOT operator on the data of SQL table: This example consists of aStudent_details table, which has four columns Roll_No, Stu_Name, Stu_Marks, and Stu_City.
If we want to perform the Bitwise Not operator on the marks column of Student_details, we have to write the following query in SQL: SQL Bitwise OperatorsThe Bitwise Operators in SQL perform the bit operations on the Integer values. To understand the performance of Bitwise operators, you just knew the basics of Boolean algebra. Following are the two important logical operators which are performed on the data stored in the SQL database tables:
Bitwise AND (&)The Bitwise AND operator performs the logical AND operation on the given Integer values. This operator checks each bit of a value with the corresponding bit of another value. Syntax of Bitwise AND Operator Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute Bitwise AND operator on the data of SQL table: This example consists of the following table, which has two columns. Each column holds numerical values. When we use the Bitwise AND operator in SQL, then SQL converts the values of both columns in binary format, and the AND operation is performed on the converted bits. After that, SQL converts the resultant bits into user understandable format, i.e., decimal format.
Bitwise OR (|)The Bitwise OR operator performs the logical OR operation on the given Integer values. This operator checks each bit of a value with the corresponding bit of another value. Syntax of Bitwise OR Operator Let's understand the below example which explains how to execute Bitwise OR operator on the data of SQL table: This example consists of a table that has two columns. Each column holds numerical values. When we used the Bitwise OR operator in SQL, then SQL converts the values of both columns in binary format, and the OR operation is performed on the binary bits. After that, SQL converts the resultant binary bits into user understandable format, i.e., decimal format.
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