POSITION Function in SQLThe POSITION string function in Structured Query Language returns the position of the first occurrence of the given character or substring in the original string. If Sub-string is omitted in the original string, the POSITION function returns 0. Syntax of POSITION String FunctionSyntax1: This syntax uses the POSITION function with the column name of the SQL table: In the syntax, we have to specify the name of that column on which we want to find the character's position. Syntax2: This syntax uses the POSITION function with the string: Syntax2: This syntax uses the POSITION function with the individual character: Examples of POSITION String functionExample 1: The following SELECT query shows the position of the character S in the original string: Output:
Example 2: The following SELECT query shows the position of the DELHI word in the given string: Output:
Example 3: The following SELECT query returns the position of the 'Manufacturing Company' string in the original string: Output:
Example 5: This example uses the POSITION function with the table in Structured Query Language. The syntax for creating the new table in the SQL database is as follows: The following CREATE statement creates the Student_Grade table: The below INSERT queries insert the records of students with grades and marks in the Student_Grade table: The following SELECT statement displays the inserted records of the above Student_Grade table:
Query 1: The following SELECT query uses the POSITION function with the First_Name column of the above Student_Grade table: This SQL statement shows the position of 'a' character in the first name of each student. Output:
Query 2: The following SELECT query uses the POSITION function with the Last_Name column of the above Student_Grade table: This SQL statement shows the position of the 'S' character in the last name of each student. Output:
Query 3: The following SELECT query uses the POSITION function with the First_City column of the above Student_Grade table: This SQL statement shows the position of the 'ow' character in the first city of each student. Output:
Query 4: The following SELECT query uses the POSITION function with the Second_City and New_City column of the above Student_Grade table: Output:
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