SQL Commands
Types of SQL CommandsThere are four types of SQL commands: DDL, DML, DCL, TCL. 1. Data Definition Language (DDL)
Following are the some commands that come under DDL: a. CREATE It is used to create a new table in the database. Syntax: <In above statement, TABLE_NAME is the name of the table, COLUMN_NAMES is the name of the columns and DATATYPES is used to define the type of data. Example: b. DROP: It is used to delete both the structure and record stored in the table. Syntax: To DROP a table permanently from memory The cascade constraint is an optional parameter which is used for tables which have foreign keys that reference the table being dropped. If cascade constraint is not specified and used attempt to drop a table that has records in a child table, then an error will occur. So by using cascade constraints, all child table foreign keys are dropped. Example c. ALTER: It is used to alter the structure of the database. This change could be either to modify the characteristics of an existing attribute or probably to add a new attribute. Following are the list of modifications that can be done using ALTER command.
Adding new columns in Table: With the use of ALTER table command we can add new columns existing table. Syntax: To add a new column in the table In the above syntax, where table_name corresponds to the name of the table, column-definition corresponds to the valid specifications for a column name and data type. EXAMPLE: Syntax: To ADD a multiple column from a table. ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name1, column_name2; Example: Adding constraints in a Table: You can also add constraints to an existing table. For example: If you forget to add a primary key constraint to a table during creation, you can add it using the ALTER TABLE statement. Syntax: To ADD a constraint from a table. Example: Following points should be kept in mind while adding new columns/relationships to existing tables.
Modifying Column using ALTER: With the use of ALTER table we can modify column and constraint in the existing table. These statements can increase or decrease the column widths and changing a column from mandatory to optional. Syntax: Example: SQL does not allow column widths to be reduced even if all column values are of valid length. So the values should be set to NULL to reduce the width of the columns. It is also not possible to reduce the width of the ADHAR_NUM column from 18 to 12 even if all values in the ADHAR_NUM column are less than 12 characters, unless all al values in the name column are null. You can modify the column form NULL to NOTNULL constraints if there is no record in that column in the table. Example: Drop column and constraints using ALTER You cannot only modify columns but you can also drop them entirely if it is no longer required in a table. Using drop statement in alter command we can also remove the constraints form the table. Syntax: To drop a column from a table. Example: Syntax: To drop a multiple column from a table. Example: Syntax: To drop a constraint from a table. Example: Following points should be kept in mind while deleting columns/associations:
Example: To disable constraint Example: To Enable constraint
Example: RENAMING TABLE SQL provides the facility to change the name of the table by using a ALTER TABLE statement. Syntax: Example: d. TRUNCATE: It is used to delete all the rows from the table and free the space containing the table. Syntax: Example: e. Rename: It is used to rename the table. Syntax: In the above syntax, Rename is a command, <OLD_TABLENAME> is the name of the table and <NEW_TABLENAME> is the name that you have changed. Example: 2. Data Manipulation Language
Following are the some commands that come under DML: a. INSERT: The INSERT statement is a SQL query. It is used to insert data into the row of a table. To insert a new row into a table you must be your on schema or INSERT privilege on the table. Following are the list of points should be considered while inserting the data into tables.
Syntax: To add row in a table Or In the above syntax, TABLE_NAME is the name of the table in which the data will be inserted. The (col1, col2, col3, col N) are optional and name of the columns in which values will be inserted. The value1 corresponds to the value of be inserted in col1 and similarly value2 corresponds to the value of be inserted in col2 and so on. For example: Syntax: To add multiple rows in a table For example: b. UPDATE: This command is used to update or modify the value of a column in the table. Syntax: To update record in a table In the above syntax, table_name is the name of the table, the column_name is the name of column in the table to be modified, and value1 corresponds to the valid SQL values. The "WHERE" is a condition that restricts the rows updated for which the specified condition is true. If condition is not specified is not defined then SQL updates all the rows in the table. It contains comparison and logical operators etc. The following the list of points should be remembered while executing the UPDATE statement.
For example: c. DELETE: It is used to remove one or more row from a table. To delete rows from the table, it must be in your schema or you must have delete privilege. Syntax: To Delete a record from table In the above syntax, condition is used in the where clause to filter the records that are actually being removed. You can remove zero or more rows from a table. If you do not use where condition then DELETE statement will remove all the rows from the table. You can also use one or multiple conditions in WHERE clause. For example: d. SELECT: This is the same as the projection operation of relational algebra. It is used to select the attribute based on the condition described by WHERE clause. Syntax: It is used for retrieve the records from table For example: 3. Data Control LanguageDCL commands are used to grant and take back authority from any database user. Following are the some commands that come under DCL: Syntax: In the above syntax, obj_priv> is the DML statement like Insert, Delete , update and Select and <obj_name> is a table, view etc. and username is the name of the authorized user. Example b. Revoke: It is used to take back permissions from the user. Syntax: In the above syntax, obj_priv> is the DML statement like Insert, Delete , update and Select and <obj_name> is a table, view etc. and username is the name of the user from whom the permission is revoked. Example 4. Transaction Control LanguageTransactions are atomic i.e. either every statement succeeds or none of statement succeeds. There are number of Transaction Control statements available that allow us to control this behavior. These statements ensure data consistency. TCL commands can only use with DML commands like INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE only. These operations are automatically committed in the database that's why they cannot be used while creating tables or dropping them. Following are the some commands that come under TCL: a. Commit: Commit command is used to save all the transactions to the database. It makes your changes permanent and ends the transaction. Syntax: To permanently save the changes Example: b. Rollback: Rollback command is used to undo transactions that have not already been saved to the database. Rollback also serves to end the current transaction and begin a new one. Consider a Situation where you have completed a series of INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements but have not yet explicitly committed them and yiu encounter a problem such as computer failure, then SQL will automatically rollback any uncommitted work. Syntax: To remove the changes Example: c. SAVEPOINT: It is used to roll the transaction back to a certain point without rolling back the entire transaction. Syntax: In the above syntax, SAVEPOINT_NAME is the name given to savepoint. To selectively ROLLBACK a group of statements within a large transaction use the following command is used. Example: Multiple Choice Questions on SQL commands:1. Which command is used to display the records in a table?
Answer: C Explanation: Select is a DML statement it is used to select the data from a table. 2. What does the following statement perform in a table? Update student set name = "meet" where roll_no =101;
Answer: D Explanation: Update statement is used to update the values of a table. Above statement is used to update the value of student name where roll_no =101 in a student table. 3. Which of the following is not a Transaction Control Language in a SQL?
Answer: A Explanation: Delete is a DML statement it is used to delete the data from a table. 4. Which command is used to add a column in existing table?
Answer: A Explanation: Alter table is used to modify the existing table. In this, Alter table command is used to add a column in existing table. 5. What does the following statement perform in a table? Insert into student (name,roll_no) values( "meet",101);
Answer: B Explanation: The insert statement is used to insert values into a table. We can also insert multiple rows at the same time. 6. Which command is used to maintain the structure of table after deleting data in a table?
Answer: D Explanation: The truncate statement is used to delete data from a table but the structure still remains the same. 7. Which command is used to rename a column in a table?
Answer: C Explanation: It is a DDL statement used to rename the old name with new name. It is also used with Alter to change the name of a table. Next TopicDBMS SQL Operator |