C OperatorsAn operator is simply a symbol that is used to perform operations. There can be many types of operations like arithmetic, logical, bitwise, etc. There are following types of operators to perform different types of operations in C language.
Precedence of Operators in CThe precedence of operator species that which operator will be evaluated first and next. The associativity specifies the operator direction to be evaluated; it may be left to right or right to left. Let's understand the precedence by the example given below: The value variable will contain 210 because * (multiplicative operator) is evaluated before + (additive operator). The precedence and associativity of C operators is given below:
Arithmetic Operators:Arithmetic operators carry out fundamental mathematical operations. The arithmetic operators in C are as follows: Addition Operator (+): The addition operator adds two operands together. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result = 8 Subtraction Operator (-): The second operand is subtracted from the first operand via the subtraction operator. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result = 5 Multiplication Operator (*): This operator is used to multiply the two operands. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result = 20 Division Operator (/): The first operand and the second operand are divided using the division operator. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result = 5 Modulus Operator (%): The modulus operator determines the remainder of the division between two operands. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result = 1 Relational Operators:Relational operators assess the relationship between values by comparing them. They return either true (1) or false (0). The relational operators in C are as follows: Equality Operator (==): If two operands are equal, the equality operator verifies this. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result=1 (true) Inequality Operator (!=): The inequality operator determines whether two operands are equal or not. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result=1 (true) Greater than Operator (>): The greater than operator determines if the first operand exceeds the second operand. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result=1 (true) Less than Operator (<): The less-than operator determines if the first operand less is than the second operand. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result=1 (true) Greater than or Equal to Operator (>=): The greater than or equal to operator determines if the first operand is more than or equal to the second operand. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result=1 (true) Less than or Equal To Operator (<=): The less than or equal to operator determines if the first operand must be less than or equal to the second operand. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result=1 (true) Shift Operators:A binary number's bits can be moved to the left or right using shift operators. The C shift workers are listed below: Left Shift Operator (<<): The left shift operator moves the bits of the first operand to the left by the number of places indicated by the second argument. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result = 20 // 0001 0100 in binary Right Shift Operator (>>): The right shift operator shifts the bits of the first operand to the right by the number of positions specified by the second operand. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result = 5 // 0000 0101 in binary Logical Operators:Logical operators perform logical operations on boolean values and return either true (1) or false (0). Here are the logical operators in C: Logical AND Operator (&&): The logical AND operator returns true if both operands are true. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result = 1 (true) Logical OR Operator (||): The logical OR operator returns true if at least one of the operands is true. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result = 1 (true) Logical NOT Operator (!): The logical NOT operator negates the value of the operand. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result = 0 (false) Bitwise Operators:Bitwise operators perform operations on individual bits of the operands. Here are the bitwise operators in C: Bitwise AND Operator (&): The bitwise AND operator performs a bitwise AND operation on the corresponding bits of the operands. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result = 1 // 0000 0001 in binary Bitwise OR Operator (|): The bitwise OR operator performs a bitwise OR operation on the corresponding bits of the operands. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result = 7 // 0000 0111 in binary Bitwise XOR Operator (^): The bitwise XOR operator performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation on the corresponding bits of the operands. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result = 6 // 0000 0110 in binary Bitwise NOT Operator (~): The bitwise NOT operator flips each bit of the operand. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result = -6 // 1111 1001 in binary (assuming 8-bit representation) Ternary or Conditional Operator: The ternary or conditional operator allows you to assign a value based on a condition. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result = 5 Assignment Operator:Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. Here is some of the assignment operator in C: Simple Assignment Operator (=): The simple assignment operator assigns the value from the right side operands to the left side operands. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: No output. The value 5 is assigned to variable 'a'. Miscellaneous Operator:The sizeof operator and the comma operator fall under the miscellaneous operator category. sizeof Operator: The sizeof operator returns the size, in bytes, of a variable or a data type. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: size = 4 // Assuming int occupies 4 bytes Comma Operator (,): The comma operator evaluates multiple expressions and returns the value of the last expression. Syntax: It has the following syntax: Example: Output: result = 15 // a = 7, b = 6, a + b = 13 Uses of Operators:The following are some common uses for the various kinds of operators in C:
Conclusion:In this blog, we have covered the several types of C operators, such as arithmetic, relational, shift, logical, bitwise, ternary, assignment, and other operators. We also covered their features, syntax, samples, and what results to expect. By becoming proficient with these operators, you may effectively handle data and write reliable C programs. Next TopicComments in C |